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Author Topic: Angels Guild offers Greater Scribing Scrolls and more.  (Read 134 times)


Angels Guild offers Greater Scribing Scrolls and more.
« on: June 26, 2009, 10:20:16 am »
*Benjamin posts a note*
 Fer you aspiring scribers,clerical and practitioners of the Al'Noth,  I'm pleased ta offer greater scribing papers in quantities of up to ten per order at a cost of one thousand true a scroll.  I also offer maho scroll paper at two hunnerd a sheet, oak at hunnerd, and hickory at fifty.  
 I am also able to make the primary ingrediants fer Lucinda's touches, Essense of Knowledge and Wisdom, but require the following ingrediants to do so: Essense of Knowledge - peppermint leaf, 4 chestnuts.  Essense of Wisdom - pecan, 4 almonds.  Prices to make these items are 100 true with you providing the ingrediants.  Feel free to contact any member of the Angels with you order.
 Ben Poetr.
 //a pm is fine as well.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

