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Author Topic: Panther armor, cape.. and a few other things.  (Read 67 times)


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    Panther armor, cape.. and a few other things.
    « on: March 31, 2006, 12:19:52 pm »
    [SIZE=16][SIZE=13]*Tegan nervously puts her new add up*[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=16]Well Made Items In Need of Owners[/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=13]1 Leather Panther Armor, brand new. +3 hide, +3 move silently, +3 search. Easy movement, it gives maxium dexerity bonus of 6. For 5,500 gold pieces[/SIZE].
    • [SIZE=13]If you need a Cape of the Panther insead or to go with your armor. It gives you a +3 hide, +3 move silently. For 5,000.[/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=13]Tiger beltit gives +2 to help enhance bards performances. Available for 120 gold pieces.[/SIZE]
    • [SIZE=13]Lion gloves itching to be used, that gives +1 attack bonus. For 6,000.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]I can also make other various leathers, hide or studded armors. Also hoods, belts, and boots. Can send me a tell or drop me a line here, and I'll get back to you. [/SIZE]


    RE: Panther armor, cape.. and a few other things.
    « Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 05:17:55 pm »
    *writes below*


    I would be interested in pair of boots or a belt that would help my ability to hide from big monsters, or help my archery.
    Please let me know what you might be able to make.

    Thank You,


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      Re: Panther armor, cape.. and a few other things.
      « Reply #2 on: April 01, 2006, 08:55:11 am »
      I need light armour that gives better protection than normal hide if the Panther Armour does this Im intersetd althought I would have to save up.
