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Author Topic: Enzo's Bow Shop  (Read 10045 times)

Guardian 452

Enzo's Bow Shop
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:08:00 pm »
You walk into a small one room shop, the smell of fine leather and fresh cut wood is thick in the air.

All around you see leather suits placed on manequin torsos.

The walls of the small shop are covered with all sorts of bows and other wood weapons.

You see shelves of gloves, boots, belts and bags.

A clerk speaks up from behind the counter

Welcome to Enzo's Bow Shop. Anything I can interest you in today? Please take a look around. Some of the finest leather goods and wood crafted items are here for you to see and feel.[/b]

*you feel like a kid in a candy store... all these things just crying out to you.... Buy me... Buy me....

As you begin to look over some of the leather suits... you notice they are very well crafted, tight stitching and quality materials. The bows and wood weapons you pick up and handle all look like masterpieces each one has such an attnetion to detail it is truly amazing. On every item.... bow, or staff, armor, boots or gloves you see a small "ER" written, stitched or carved into it. You say to yourself.      ER...... Enzo Reynolt.... Hmm....He sure must be proud of his work to have placed his mark on each and every item like this.

*you spend a great deal of time looking over the suits of armor... even trying some on*

Armor Class 2 , Max Dex. Bonus 6[/big]

Cougar - +3 Tumble (Level 1)

Black Bear - +3 Concentration (Level 1)

Jaguar - +3 Search, Spot, Tumble (Level 5)

Wolf - +2 AC vs. Animals, +3 Discipline (Level 8)

Worg - +2 AC vs Goblinoid, +3 Discipline (Level 8)

Brown Bear - +1 AC, +3 Concentration (Level 8)

White Stag - Immune to Disease, +1 save vs Poison (Level 8) [yellow]**Druid, Ranger, Paladin cannot equip**[/yellow]

Leopard - +1 AC, +1 save vs Fortitude, +3 Tumble (Level 10)

Lion - +1 AC, +1 save vs Will, +3 Tumble (Level 10)

Crag - +1 AC, +1 save vs Reflex, +3 Tumble (Level 10)

Panther - +1 AC, +3 Hide, Move Silent, Search (Level 10) Popular with Rangers and Rogues etc.

Grizzly -  +2 AC, +3 Concentration (Level 11)

Polar - +1 AC, DR -20 Cold, +3 Concentration (Level 13)

Malar - +2 AC, +3 Hide, Move Silent, Search, Spot, Tumble (Level 15) Popular with Rangers and Rogues etc.

Dire Wolf - +1 AC, DR -5 Slash, +3 Discipline (Level 15)

Dire Tiger - +2 AC, DR -5 Slash, +1 Saving Throw Fortitude (Level 18)

Dire Bear - +2 AC, DR +1 5 points damage soak, +3 Concentration (Level 18)

Armor Class 3 , Max Dex. Bonus 4 "Light Armor"[/big]

Cougar - +3 Tumble +1 AC vs Pierce (Level 4)

Black Bear - +3 Concentration, +1 AC vs Pierce (Level 4)

Jaguar - +3 Search, Spot, Tumble, +1 AC vs Pierce (Level 9)

Wolf - +2 AC vs. Animals, +3 Discipline,  +1 AC vs Pierce(Level 9)

Worg - +2 AC vs Goblinoid, +3 Discipline, +1 AC vs Pierce (Level 9)

White Stag - Immune to Disease, +1 save vs Poison, +1 AC vs Pierce (Level 10) [yellow]**Druid, Ranger, Paladin cannot equip**[/yellow]

Brown Bear - +1 AC, +3 Concentration, +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 11)

Leopard - +1 AC, +1 save vs Fortitude, +3 Tumble, +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 13)

Lion - +1 AC, +1 save vs Will, +3 Tumble,  +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 13)

Crag - +1 AC, +1 save vs Reflex, +3 Tumble,  +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 13)

Panther - +1 AC, +3 Hide, Move Silent, Search,  +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 14) Popular with Rangers and Rogues etc.

Polar - +1 AC, DR -20 Cold, +3 Concentration, +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 15)

Grizzly -  +2 AC, +3 Concentration, +3 AC vs Pierce (Level 17)

Malar - +2 AC, +3 Hide, Move Silent, Search, Spot, Tumble, +3 AC vs Pierce (Level 19) Popular with Rangers and Rogues etc.

Dire Wolf - +1 AC, DR -5 Slash, +3 Discipline, +2 AC vs Pierce (Level 18)

Dire Tiger - +2 AC, DR -5 Slash, +1 Saving Throw Fortitude,  +3 AC vs Pierce(Level 21)

Dire Bear - +2 AC, DR +1 5 points damage soak, +3 Concentration, +3 AC vs Pierce (Level 22)

[big] Hide Armor
Armor Class 3 , Max Dex. Bonus 4 "Medium Armor"[/big]

[yellow]**All Hide suits replace the added AC vs Pierce that Studded Leather offers with AC vs. Slash and they have the exact same Level requirements as Studded Leather**[/yellow]

*The clerk speaks up as you head towards the door.*[/b]

Rember at Enzo's bow shop we [big]AIM[/big] to please... thanks for stoping by.

*he gives you a friendly wave as you leave the store.*


Guardian 452

RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2004, 03:08:00 pm »
*You ask the clerk about some more specfic suits.*

Ah yes those.... Master Enzo has crafted some suits with specific folks in mind. The three you see here will greatly benefit a rogue. Those three are good for a monk, and those three robes in the back, those are for people practiced in the arcane arts.

Please feel free to try any of them on, but only those with the proper backgrounds will benefit from them. You will note each group has  three suits of increasing quality, each will have added benefits as well.

Lesser Rogue Armor    (level 8)
+1 AC
+1 Hide, Search, Tumble

Rogue Armor   (level 12)
+2 AC
+2 Hide, Search, Tumble

Greater Rogue Armor (Level 18)
+3 AC
+3 Search, Hide, Tumble

**All Rogue suits are Leather 2/6 and class specific to Rogues only**

Lesser Monks Armor (Level 7)
+1 AC
+2 Discipline

Monk Armor (Level 11)
+2 AC
+3 Discipline

Greater Monk Armor (Level 17)
+3 AC
+4 Discipline

**ALL Monk suits are "clothes" with 0 Max dex and 0 spell failure and class specific to Monks only**

Lesser Mage Armor (Level 8)
+1 AC
+1 Lore
+2 Spellcraft

Mage Armor (Level 12)
+2 AC
+2 Lore
+3 Spellcraft

Greater Mage Armor (Level 18)
+3 AC
+3 Lore
+4 Spellcraft

**All Mage Armors are "Clothes" 0 max dex and 0 spell failure ....  class specific to Wizards and Sorcerers only**

*The clerck then draws your attention to some shimmering clothing hanging up on the back wall.*

Now these here... these are some very special garments here... each one is made from a special "flexable cloth" made from the smoothest silks and then actuall metal fragments are woven into the garments. Now why would you want to wear simple clothes instead of nice stong leather or hide armor?  Exellent question.  For one... these closes wil not restrict ones agility like all armors do. (NO Max DEX Penalty). Thanks to the free range of movment those who practice the arcane arts will have absolutly no problem casting their spells in these garments (NO spell failure%). You will find a few different suits here each with a different metal added to the weave.[/i]

[big]Reinforced Clothing[/big]

Iron - +1 AC (Level 5)

Platinum - +1 AC, DR 5 Slashing (Level 10)

Cobalt - +2 AC, DR 5 Slashing (Level 13)

Adamantium - +3 AC (Level 15)

[big]We typically have Iron and Platinum suits on hand. Cobalt and Adamantium are very difficult to aquire. As such at this time we are not taking orders for those suits. When Master Enzo has one of these suits made he will make it known by putting it on display in the store window.[/big]

The clerk says. Also most of the suits you see here are for display purposes only. We have very few extras of any of these due to the varying sizes of our customers and such. So if you wish to order one Master Enzo will have it made for you as soon as possilbe. That may take time depending on the materials needed to make the the suit you want. But We will let you know how soon your order will be completed.

Thanks again for stoping by. *the clerk waves*

// One note on the class specific suits... if you character has a high enough UMD (Use Magic Device) they may in fact be able to wear ones out of their class.


Guardian 452

RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2004, 08:43:00 am »
*Your eye catches the side wall of the shop that is covered from floor to ceiling with various bows, and wood weapons*

*The cleark speaks up*

Please take a closer look at anything of interest to you. I do however ask you do not dry fire the compound bows. They tend to shatter when you do.  Best not send lots of little wood slivers into your forearm or even your eyes. Also if you are interested we have a few targets set up out back, once you find a bow you like please feel free to step out back and give 'er a try *he grins*. I would also like to point out Master Enzo's special "Hunter Bows" for a Ranger, you can't go wrong with one of these. Also the series of Compound bows. When you get that critical strike on your enemy, that's when these powerfull bows really shine.

*You begin to look over the bows, picking a few of them up and getting a feel for them*

((Oak and Mahogany long and short bows have 80% Weight Reduction)

[big]Short Bows - 1d6[/big]

Hickory Hunter - +1 Search & Spot (Level 5) (Usable by Rangers only)

Oak - Attack +1 (level 5)

Oak Hunter - +1 Attack, +2 Spot & Search (Level 9) (Usable by Rangers only)

Mahogany - Attack +2 (Level 10)

Mahogany Hunter - Attack +2, +3 Search & Spot (Level 13) (Usable by Rangers only)

Yew - Attack +3 (lvl 15?)

Yew Hunter - Attack +3, +4 Search & Spot (Level 18) (Usable by Rangers only)

Oak Compound - +1 Attack, 1d4 Massive Crit. (Level 9)

Mahogany Compound - +2 Attack, 1d4 Massive Crit. (Level 12)

Yew Compound - +3 Attack, 1d4 Massive Crit. (Level 18?)

[big]Long Bows  1d8[/big][/green]

Hickory Hunter - +1 Search & Spot (Level 5) (Usable by Rangers only)

Oak - +1 Attack (Level 5)

Oak Hunter +1 Attack, +2 Spot & Search (Level 9) (Usable by Rangers only)

Mahogany - +2 Attack (Level 10)

Mahogany Hunter - +2 Attack, +3 Search & Spot (Level 13) (Usable by Rangers only)

Yew - +3 Attack (Level 15?)

Yew Hunter - +3 Attack, +4 Search & Spot (Level 18) (Usable by Rangers only)

Oak Compound - +1 Attack, 1d6 Massive Crit. (Level 9)

Mahogany Compound - +2 Attack, 1d6 Massive Crit (Level 13)

Yew Compound - +3 Attack, 1d6 Massive Crit. (Level 18?)


[big]Light - 1d8[/big]

Oak - +1 Attack (Level 5)

Mahogany - +2 Attack (Level 10)

Yew - +3 Attack (Level 15?)

[big]Heavy - 1d10[/big]

Oak - +1 Attack (Level 5)

Mahogany - +2 Attack (Level 10)

Yew - +3 Attack (Level 15?)


Lion Leather - +1 Attack (Level 5)

Malar Leather - +2 Attack (Level 10)

*The clerk speaks up*

Also if you are interested Master Enzo can have a stronger string added to your bow giving it some added punch, If your strong enough to take advantage of it's benefit.[/i]

((Compound Bow Parts 1, 2 & 3 add Mighty 1, 2 or 3.  What Mighty does is adds up to the Mighty # of your STR modafier to the damage. Say you have a STR modafier of 3 and get a Mighty 3 added to your bow..... it will add 3 extra damage.  BUT if you have a STR modafier of 1 and get a Mighty 3 it will only add 1 Extra Damage. Adding Mighty to a bow will on almost every bow raise the Level requirement,  but Im not going to post them all here (way too big of a list then). PM me if you want to know a Level Requirement with a Mighty added.))

*You notice one very fancy bow of off to the side. You ask the clerck about it*  

Ah yes that one... This is the prototype for a new Bow Master Enzo is working on. He calls it The Bow of Close Range. With this bow in your hands you will find it very easy to strike opponents who are right on top of you hacking away with their swords. This bow is very difficult and time consuming to make. If you wish to purchase one it will take some time to gather the neccesary components and craft it.[/i]

Long Bow of Close Range - +1 Attack, Bonus Feat Point Blank Shot (Level 12)

*The clerk waves as you leave the shop*

Thanks for stopping by.[/i]



RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2005, 02:12:00 pm »
*Walks to the door to find it is closed and realizes that it is the middle of the night so posts a note*

Do you have any bolts?  Let me know.

-Marcus Perrin-

Guardian 452

RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2005, 04:36:00 pm »

*the shop keeps goes to open the store and sees the note and he adds a reply to it*


I'm sorry we have no bolts in stock. We primarily deal with bows, wood weapons, and leather crafted goods. Perhaps if Master Enzo takes on a partner or two we can ofer more goods for sale.

But for now we do not.

Thanks for the inquary


Thomas McStumbletoe ((Enzo's virtual salesman ;) ))



RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2005, 12:57:00 pm »
*Glenn looks through the shop*

Can you tell me about the boots, belts, and bags? *He asks of the shop keeper*


Guardian 452

RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »

*the clerk begins explaining the features of the 4 bags he has on display*

Cougar ((20% weight reduction))

Crag ((40% weight reduction))

Lion ((60% weight reduction))

Malar ((80% weight reduction))

((NONE of these have level requirements... well they do, but you don't equip bags so the LvL req. isn't an issue.))

(((Each bag is 7 small squares across by 5 small squares down, that's a total of 35 squares. Thats how much stuff you can fit in them, nothing more)))

*the clerk says* "Now Malar as you can see is the best, and the most difficult to assemble, also The Malar Panther has been completly eradicated on the continents of Mistone and Rilara, one must travel to Dregar or Xantril to find them. With all that said the Malar bags are rather expensive and will take a longer amount of time to make."

*the clerk then draws your attention to a rack of fine belts he picks them up one by one and explains their features*

Belt of the Tiger - +2 Perform (Exceptional can be made on a 20)

Belt of the Crag Cat - + 2 Use Magic Device (Exceptional can be made on a 20)

Belt of Cunning -  +1 Wis, +1 Hide, +1 Search (Exceptional can be made on a 20)

Archers Edge Belt - AC +1 (deflection), Entropic Shield (lvl5) 1/day ((20% chance of ranged attacks missing you)) (Exceptional can be made on a 20)

*the clerk then draws your attention to a shelf full of boots*

Cougar Boots - +1 saving throws Mind affecting (Exceptional can be made on a 20)

Boots of the Boar -

Boots of the Tiger - +2 saving throws Reflex, +4 Tumble, 60% weight reduced

Boots of the Arachnea - Immune to Web

*the clerk then draws your attention to a display of gloves*

Gloves of the Badger -

Gloves of the Bat -

Lion Leather Gloves -

Gloves of Mischeif - -2 Wisdom, +4 Disable Trap, Open Lock, Set Trap, ***Rogue & Assasin only***

Gloves of the Tiger -

Gloves of Fury - +1 Str, +1 Parry, +1 Taunt  (Exceptional can be made on a 20)

// more stuff to come stay tuned



RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2005, 01:22:00 pm »
These are fine bags indeed *says Glenn* Can you tell me how much a bag can hold and what are the prices? as well could you tell me what the archers belt does? and price too. *Glenn looks at the boots* what does the weight reduction do? *he askes*

//what are the level reqs?


RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
Is this shop still around?  and what is it's location or is it " virtual".


  • Guest
RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2005, 04:56:00 pm »
     A young man in a strangely light blue and brown set of studded leaters, wearing  a burnt orange cloak approaches the clerk after looking around the shoppe.
    "Pardon, sir," he addresses the clerk, but I might wonder if you would have the prices of the items you show here? I am interested in both the Belt and Boots of the Tiger you show here, and those sets of Black and Brown Bear Studded Leather do so interest me."
    After a slight pause the young man smiles and continues, "and I am eyeing the Oak and Oak Hunter Bows I see over there, magnificent craftsmenship, if I do say so. Might you have them in 'Mighty +2?"


RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2005, 10:22:00 am »
A dwarf with a helmet enters the shop.
  "Mr. McStumbletoe! Brac'ar Fireface, dwarven wizard, tailor and scribe and I know your boss."
  *he places a short bow on the counter, which looks to be made of yew*
  "I have recently acquired this and wish to sell it, but I am looking for Enzo's opinion on what it's worth, so if you can fetch him?"
  *leaning on his staff, he waits*

Guardian 452

RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2006, 09:56:00 pm »
*on the wall of bows you see 4 short and longbows set side from the others*

*You point to them and ask Thomas about them*

Ah yes those, these are a complete series of the famous Hunter Bows... a prefered bow of many Rangers. Untill recently only oak ones could be crafted but now a new process has been perfected and a complete series can be made... Hickory all they way up thru Yew.

However *Thomas takes a serious tone* These bows are extremly difficult and time consuming to assemble do to some very special and rare components needed.... [big]If you wish to order one of these Hunter Bows at this point in time you will need to provide some of the more rare components yourself. If you are interested we can tell you what and how much you will need to find.[/big]

*Thomas takes a few minutes to show you each of the Hunter Bows and the benefits of them*

Short Bow 1d6

Hickory Hunter - +1 Search & Spot (Level 5) (Usable by Rangers only)
Oak Hunter - +1 Attack, +2 Spot & Search (Level 9) (Usable by Rangers only)
Mahogany Hunter - Attack +2, +3 Search & Spot (Level 13) (Usable by Rangers only)
Yew Hunter - Attack +3, +4 Search & Spot (Level 18) (Usable by Rangers only)

Long Bows 1d8

Hickory Hunter - +1 Search & Spot (Level 5) (Usable by Rangers only)
Oak Hunter - +1 Attack, +2 Spot & Search (Level 9) (Usable by Rangers only)
Mahogany Hunter - Attack +2, +3 Search & Spot (Level 13) (Usable by Rangers only)
Yew Hunter - Attack +3, +4 Search & Spot (Level 18) (Usable by Rangers only)

// It says Usable by Ranger Only... but a Rogue or Bard with enough points in UMD can use them as well.



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    RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
    « Reply #12 on: July 09, 2006, 10:58:33 am »
    hey, do you have a Bow Parts 2 to sell? Im Celith Xillow, if you have, tell me.

    //or send a PM//


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      RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #13 on: July 09, 2006, 03:18:07 pm »
      can I get a price please on a hickory Hunters long bow and an oak long bow?


      Finola' Shadwreath

      Guardian 452

      Re: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #14 on: July 09, 2006, 07:22:21 pm »
      I am afraid our entire stock of  Mighty Bow Parts has been exhausted.

      Once Master Enzo is able to gather the massive quantities of Iron for the basic ones and Platinum for the middle and high grade parts... we should have some again.  

      With all that is going on in our world these days we cannot give a time as to when we will have more in stock.

      Your best bet is to try and catch Master Enzo when he sells his wares at the Leilon Arms Tavern.

      Thomas McStumbletoe (Enzo's Virtual Salesman)



      Re: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #15 on: July 25, 2006, 02:55:19 pm »
      A barely legible note is left.

      Contact me with a price on the cobalt-spun clothes. Bird, messenger, or leaving it at the Wild Surge are all fine. ~ Pyyran Rahth


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      Re: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #16 on: July 25, 2006, 04:41:16 pm »
      The gloves of mischief look interesting, as does the snake fang. What are the prices?
      Jser Arcanebow.

      Guardian 452

      RE: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #17 on: August 09, 2006, 11:22:09 pm »

      *Thomas places some new items in the display window of the shop*

      [yellow] //If you see something you are interested in here send me a PM[/yellow]



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      Re: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #18 on: September 28, 2006, 01:54:21 pm »
      *J'ser walks up to the clerk*
      Hello. Could you tell me the price on the oaken shortbow, and the mahagony one as well?


      Re: Enzo's Bow Shop
      « Reply #19 on: October 05, 2006, 04:26:14 pm »
      *Bilvikki walks into the shop and grins happily at the clerk*

      Bil be interested in buying two Malar Bags and a set of Greater Mage Armor yes he is.  Bil wonders how much these costs Bil yes he does....

      *Bilvikki looks expectantly at the clerk*

