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Author Topic: Another Orc Basher's Charity Auction - 1000 Bolts  (Read 36 times)


Another Orc Basher's Charity Auction - 1000 Bolts
« on: May 14, 2007, 06:56:58 pm »
 [SIZE=18]The Orc Bashers are involved in different charities. 10% of all sales go towards charities in addition to the food, blankets and other materials that are donated by the Bashers. There will also be special auctions where 100% of proceeds are set aside for a specific charity.
 [SIZE=18]100% of this auction’s earnings are for the Rebuilding of Stone charitable organization.[/SIZE][/FONT]
 [SIZE=18]These items are being sold together with a very low starting bid of 1000 True.  Increments of 1000 True please.[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
The items up for auction are described below.
[SIZE=18]Three Quivers of 99 Iron Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Stirge Tail  [/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Quivers of 99 Platty Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Stirge Tail  [/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Three Quivers of 99 Silver Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Falcon Tail
[SIZE=18]One Quiver of 99 Silver Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Raven Tail
[SIZE=18]9 Platty Tipped Mahogany Bolts with Stirge Tail for an even 1000[/SIZE][SIZE=18]

 [SIZE=18]//OOC section[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
 [/SIZE] [SIZE=18]This auction will end on Sunday May 20, 2007 11pm GMT[/SIZE]


Re: Another Orc Basher's Charity Auction - 1000 Bolts
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2007, 07:06:37 pm »
1000 True

~Rhynnala Asantiani

Pen N Popper

Re: Another Orc Basher's Charity Auction - 1000 Bolts
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2007, 07:16:44 pm »
10000 True from Bumblebee to enhance my weak sting.

