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Author Topic: Small molds for sale  (Read 126 times)

Guardian 452

Small molds for sale
« on: August 24, 2011, 05:56:30 pm »
*posted in several crafting halls*

I have 3 boxes of small molds. These molds are ideal for making smaller weapons, arrowheads, and the like.

Leave word below if interested in purchasing some. I will sell them by the box or one lump sum.

Sledge of Dorand

gilshem ironstone

Re: Small molds for sale
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2011, 10:10:27 pm »
I will take the lot. Let's meet to talk price. If you know the town Center meet me at the falcon messenger in one week's time.

-Gel'larian Windsbreath