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Author Topic: Raven Trade Company  (Read 38 times)


Raven Trade Company
« on: October 31, 2008, 11:43:30 am »
*A notice is placed on the major trade ports on Alibor, Alindor, Corsain, Dregar, Mistone and Tilmar*

[size=8]~~Raven Trade Company~~[/size]
~Pricelist for Adventurers~

If you are interested in making a purchase please contact one of our representatives in Hempstead or Stort,
or send a letter directly to Alantha, Alleina, Angela, Dorena, Fenrir, Jacchri or Storold

Tailored Goods:

Leather Armors:((Base AC: 2, max dex bonus 6, armor check penalty 0, arcane spell failure 10%))
Dire Wolf - 15.000 //AC +1, 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Discipline +1, level req. 15
Malar - 18.000 //AC +2, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, level req. 15
Polar Bear - 25.000 //AC +1, 20/- dmg resist cold, Concentration +3, level req. 13
Dire Bear - 26.000 //AC +2, Dmg reduction +1 soak 5, Concentration +3, level req. 18
Dire Tiger - 26.000 //AC +2, 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Tumble +3, level req. 18
Hill Hound - 40.000 //AC +1, Con +1, Discipline +3, level req. 15
Ancient Dire Bear Armor 45.000 // +3 AC, +3 concentration, level req. 16
Legendary Dire Bear Armor 125.000 //+4 AC, Constitution +1, slashing and piercing resist 5/-, level req 25

Hide Armors:((Base AC: 3, max dex bonus 4, armor check penalty -1, arcane spell failure 20%))
Dire Wolf - 15.000 //AC +1(+2 vs slashing), 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Discipline +3, level req. 18
Malar - 18.000 //AC +2(+3 vs. slashing), Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, level req. 19
Polar Bear - 25.000 //AC +1(+2 vs. slashing), 20/- dmg resist cold, Concentration +3, level req. 15
Dire Bear - 26.000 //AC +2(+3 vs. slashing), Dmg reduction +1 soak 5, Concentration +3, level req. 22
Dire Tiger - 26.000 //AC +2(+3 vs. slashing), 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Tumble +3, level req. 21
Hill Hound - 40.000 //AC +1(+2 vs. slashing), Con +1, Discipline +3, level req. 15
Ancient Dire Bear Armor 45.000 // AC +3(+4 vs. slashing), +3 concentration, level req. 22
Legendary Dire Bear Armor 125.000 //AC +4, Constitution +1, slashing and piercing resist 5/-, level req. 25

Studded Armors:((Base AC: 3, max dex bonus 4, armor check penalty -1, arcane spell failure 20%))
Dire Wolf - 15.000 //AC +1(+2 vs piercing), 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Discipline +3, level req. 18
Malar - 18.000 //AC +2(+3 vs. piercing), Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, level req. 19
Polar Bear - 25.000 //AC +1(+2 vs. piercing), 20/- dmg resist cold, Concentration +3, level req. 15
Dire Bear - 26.000 //AC +2(+3 vs. piercing), Dmg reduction +1 soak 5, Concentration +3, level req. 22
Dire Tiger - 26.000 //AC +2(+3 vs. piercing), 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Tumble +3, level req. 21
Hill Hound - 40.000 //AC +1(+2 vs. piercing), Con +1, Discipline +3, level req. 15
Ancient Dire Bear Armor 45.000 // AC +3(+4 vs. piercing), +3 concentration, level req. 22
Legendary Dire Bear Armor 125.000 //+4 AC, Constitution +1, slashing and piercing resist 5/-, level req. 25

Other armors:((Base AC: 2, max dex bonus 6, armor check penalty 0, arcane spell failure 10%))
Leather of the Ogre - 27.000 //Ability score penalty charisma -2, AC +2, on hit stinking cloud level 2, level req. 13

Garb of the Made Man - 30.000 //AC +2, Intimidate + 4, Shield 1 use/day, level req. 12

Clothes:((Base AC 0, max dex bonus none, armor check penalty 0, arcane spell failure 0%))
Normal Monk Armor - 15.000 // AC +2, Discipline +3, only useable by monks, level req. 11
Greater Monk Armor - 30.000 // AC +3, Discipline +4, only useable by monks, level req. 17

Normal Mage Robes - 15.000 // AC +2, Lore +2, Spellcraft +3, only useable by sorcerors/mages, level req. 12
Greater Mage Robes - 30.000 // AC +3, Lore +3, Spellcraft +4, only useable by sorcerors/mages, level req. 18

Normal Rogue Armor - 15.000 // AC +2, Hide +2, Search +2, Tumble +2, only useable by rogues,level req. 12
Greater Rogue Armor - 30.000 // AC +3, Hide +3, Search +3, Tumble +3, only useable by rogues, level req. 18

Platinum Reinforced Clothing - 12.000 // AC +1, Damage resistance 5/-, level req. 10
Adamantium Reinforced Clothing - 25.000 // AC +3, level req. 15
Cobalt Reinforced Clothing - 45.000 // AC +2, 5/- dmg resist slashing , level req. 13
Mithril Reinforced Clothing - 85.000 // AC +3  5/- dmg Resist slashing, piercing and bludgeon, +1 saves against mind affecting, level req. 22

Lion - 15000 // Weight reduction 60 %
Malar - 60000 // Weight reduction 80 %

Malar Leather - 10000 // Unarmed attack bonus +2, level req. 8
Dire Bear Leather - 20000 // Unarmed attack bonus +3, level req. 12

Metal Wares

Armor Types:
Chain Shirt: Base AC 4, max dex bonus 4, armor check penalty -2, arcane spell failure 20%, weight 30.0 lbs

Scale Mail: Base AC 4, max dex bonus 4, armor check penalty -2, arcane spell failure 20%, weight 30.0 lbs
Chain Mail: Base AC 5, max dex bonus 2, armor check penalty -5, arcane spell failure 30%, weight 40.0 lbs

Banded Mail: Base AC 6, max dex bonus 1, armor check penalty -7, arcane spell failure 40%, weight 45.0 lbs
Splint Mail: Base AC 6, max dex bonus 1, armor check penalty -7, arcane spell failure 40%, weight 45.0 lbs
Half Plate: Base AC 7, max dex bonus 1, armor check penalty -7, arcane spell failure 40%, weight 50.0 lbs
Full Plate: Base AC 8, max dex bonus 1, armor check penalty -8, arcane spell failure 45%, weight 50.0 lbs

Platium Armors:

Chain Shirt - 11.000 // AC +2, Parry +3, level req. 11
Scale Mail - 11.000 // AC +2, discipline +3, level req. 11
Chain Mail - 12.000 // AC +2, discipline +3, level req. 11
Banded Mail - 12.000 // AC +2, discipline +3, level req. 11
Splint Mail - 12.500 // AC+2, concentration +3, level req. 11
Half Plate - 13.000 // AC +2, level req. 10
Full Plate - 15.000 // AC +2, slashing resistance 5/-, level req. 15

Adamantium Armors:

Chain Shirt - 40.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, Parry +3, level req. 15
Scale Mail - 40.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, discipline +3, level req. 15
Chain Mail - 41.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, discipline +3, level req. 15
Banded Mail - 41.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, discipline +3, level req. 16
Splint Mail - 43.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, concentration +3, level req. 16
Half Plate - 45.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, level req. 15
Full Plate - 50.000 // AC +1, dr 5/+1, Slashing resistance 5/-, level req. 18

Cobalt Armors:

Chain Shirt - 75.000 // AC +2, dr 5/+2, Parry +3, level req. 20
Scale Mail - 75.000 // AC +2, DR 5/+2, Concentration +3, Level Req. 20
Chain Mail - 80.000 // AC +2, dr 5/+2, discipline +3, level req. 20
Banded Mail - 85.000 // AC +2, dr 5/+2, discipline +3, level req. 20
Splint Mail - 90.000 // AC +2, dr 5/+2, concentration +3, level req. 20
Half Plate - 95.000 // AC +2, dr 5/+2, level req. 19
Full Plate - 100.000 // AC +2, dr 5/+2, Slashing resistance 5/-, level req. 22

Adamantium Shields:
Buckler/Small - 15.000 // AC +2, base AC 1, weight 6.0 lbs, arcane failure 5%, armor check penalty -1, level req. 10
Large - 20.000 // AC +2, base AC 2, weight 15.0 lbs, arcane failure 15%, armor check penalty -2, level req. 9
Kite - 25.000 // AC +2, base AC 3, weight 50.0 lbs, arcane spell failure 50%, armor check penalty -10, level req. 9
Tower - 28.000 // AC +2, base AC 3, weight 50.0 lbs, arcane spell failure 50%, armor check penalty -10, level req. 9

Light Adamantium Weapons: 15.000 //Level 10 req +2 ab and damage
Light Hammer
Light Pick

Medium Adamantium Weapons: 17.500 //Level 10 req +2 ab and damage
Heavy Flail
Heavy Mace
Light Flail

Heavy Adamantium Weapons: 20.000 //Level 10 req +2 ab and damage
Bastard Sword
Dire Mace
Double Axe
Double Bladed Scimitar
Heavy Pick
Mercurial Greatsword
Mercurial Longsword
Two-Bladed Sword

Wood wares

Mahogany Quarterstaff - 10.000 // Attack bonus +2, level req. 10
Mahogany Club - 9.000 // Attack bonus +2, level req. 10

Yew Quarterstaff - 75.000 // Attack bonus +3, level req. 15
Yew Club - 60.000 // Attack bonus +3, level req. 15

Mahogany Shortbow - 9.000 // Attack bonus +2, level req. 10
Mahogany Longbow - 10.000 // Attack bonus +2, level req. 10
Mahogany Light Crossbow - 9.000 // Attack bonus +2, level req. 10
Mahogany Heavy Crossbow - 10.000 // Attack bonus +2, level req. 10
Mahogany Hunter Bow - 20.000 // Attack bonus +2, Hide +4, 80 % of weight, level req. 13
Mahogany Compound Bow - 20.000 // Attack bonus +2, 1d6 massive criticals, level req. 13

Yew Shortbow - 60.000 // Attack bonus +3, level req. 15
Yew Longbow - 75.000 // Attack bonus +3, level req. 15
Yew Light Crossbow - 60.000 // Attack bonus +3, level req. 15
Yew Heavy Crossbow - 75.000 // Attack bonus +3, level req. 15
Yew Hunter Bow - 120.000 // Attack bonus +3, Hide +6, 80 % of weight, level req. 16
Yew Compound Bow - 120.000 // Attack bonus +3, 1d6 massive criticals, level req. 16

Gnomish Repeating Crossbow - 60.000 // Attack bonus +2, +1 Dex, unlimited ammo, level req. 19


Ring of Bull Strength II - 20.000 //+2 to strength, level req. 12
Ring of Fox Cunning II - 20.000 //+2 to intelligence, level req. 12
Ring of Owl Wisdom II - 20.000 //+2 to wisdom, level req. 12
Ring of Eagle Splendor II - 20.000 //+2 to charisma, level req. 12
Ring of Endurance II - 20.000 //+2 to constitution, level req. 12

Amulet of Bull Strength II - 21.000 //+2 to strength, level req. 11
Amulet of Fox Cunning II - 21.000 //+2 to intelligence, level req. 11
Amulet of Owl Wisdom II - 21.000 //+2 to wisdom, level req. 11
Amulet of Eagle Splendor II - 21.000 //+2 to charisma, level req. 11
Amulet of Endurance II - 21.000 //+2 to constitution, level req. 11

Enhancements to your gear

Bow Part of Strenght I - 7.500 // Makes the bow +1 mighty
Bow Part of Strength II - 15.000 // Makes the bow +2 mighty
Bow Part of Strength III - 30.000 // Makes the bow +3 mighty

Intermediate Enchantment: Cold, Fire and Lightning - 13.000 //1d6 points of elemental damage
Greater Enchantment: Cold, Fire and Lightning - 25.000 //1d8 points of elemental damage

Greater resistance: Cold, Fire and Lightning - 25.000 // 10/- elemental damage reduction

Intermediate Silver Enchantment - 15.000 // 1d6 points of damage against undead and were-beasts
Greater Silver Enchantment - 30.000 // 1d8 points of damage against undead and were-beasts

Magical staves and other infusion

Mirror of True Reflection - 50.000 // 50 charges, Invis Purge(5) 1 charge per use, See Invis(3) 3 charges per use, True Seeing(9) 5 charges per use

Staff of the Sun - 25.000 // +2d6 damage vs. undead, enhancement bonus +1, light (5) 3 uses/day, searing light(5) 1 uses/day, only useable by cleric,level req. 13

Staff of the Elements - 40.000 // Spell focus(Evokation) as bonus feat, 50 charges, lightning bolt(5 charges to use), cone of cold(5 charges to use), fireball(5 charges to use), level req. 14

Staff of the Woods - 25.000 // lev. req. 8; Enchancement Bonus +1, Animal Empathy +4, Summon Creature II 1 use/day, Only usuable by: Druid, level req. 8

Black Staff of Balance - 75.000// +1 damage vs chaotic good/evil and lawful good/evil, +2 enchantment bonus, on hit silence (DC 16, 4 rounds) 10%, level req. 13

Staff of the Forest - 50.000 // +2 enchantment bonus, only useable by druid, spell immunity acid fog and confusion , level req. 16

Other services:*

Setting of Emerald rings/amulets - 60.000 per unit
Smelting of Mithril 10.000 per ingot
Forging of Mithril armors/shields/helmets 70.000 per unit

*In regards to forging of armors shields and helmets, then true will only be demanded in case of a successful item crafted, we do not however refund ore on failed attempt. The other items on this list can be made with certainty so you are certain to receive the finished product.


Discounts are given for big purchases after the following rules,

5% discount for purchases above 25.000
10% discount for purchases above 75.000
15% discount for purchases above 150.000


Re: Raven Trade Company
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 05:17:14 pm »
Looking to purchase a set of mithral reinforced clothing from you folks.

~Chakar A. El'Mujahir

