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Author Topic: Chakar's Open House Trade & Switch.  (Read 516 times)


Chakar's Open House Trade & Switch.
« on: August 18, 2017, 03:07:05 pm »

Chakar's Open House

Trade & Switch Gear

(Purchase also available)


I, Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir shall host an open doors event in my household at my address; 185 - Haven.

This condones good manners from all parties included.

What I am offering is not actually thus, but what I seek, is the true meaning of this event.

I am seeking for A Hilligril's Amulet & Black Dragon Scale (of the more.. recent shedding period of the dragon's).

Slayer's Belts are also an interest to me, as are other means of protection for mineself and others.

My interest in other valuable "work"-gear is open for other trades as well.

Perhaps you might wish to show me your stock of goods?

*The scroll is a long elongated parchment roll on each tradehall it has been posted to.*

Write your response below, and an orderly of mine shall bring me word and I shall response, usually in length.

This offer is going to last from the date of Tunar, Decilar 17, 1463 to Threas, Febra 19, 1464.

Post Script: You can also send me a letter by messenger or falcon, and we can organize a meeting where I let you in. This was my intentional way of handling the whole idea, but I, the unwise fool forgot to write it to these parchments.
You can also leave a message below to these parchments and we can organize a meeting time/schedule.
Times are hard, and unfortunately so only a confident one leaves their doors unlocked at these times.

~Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir~



The event is going to last until 30.8.2017 and will work via replies to this post of Chakar's.

IC if possible :)

*Added postscript*

*edited time converter link to nowadays time converter page.

The speed difference is that 1 real time second is 4 layo time seconds these days, in comparison to 1 real time second being 15 layo time seconds as it was before.*





 Oly arrives in Haven and
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2017, 04:28:18 pm »

 Oly arrives in Haven and searches  out the address. 

He pounds on the door several times to no avail.

The only reaction is from Kit who stops her patrl to eye him with suspicion.

He turns, just about to leave, when the door seems to glide open.

A cloaked and hooded  figure  bids him to enter .