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Author Topic: Haul 'n' Maul  (Read 37 times)


Haul 'n' Maul
« on: August 01, 2005, 05:17:00 pm »
*the writing on this poster is hard to read and the grammar is terrible, but you translate it well enough to get the gist of it*

 Attention all people who are having trouble with weight. My name is Glokk Battlcry. I am starting a service called Haul 'n' maul. I can carry more than an ox, plus I am an excellent fighter. That's more than any ox could say. So if you need help with weight, or need help defeating a tough enemy, look for Glokk Battlcry!

signed, Glokk


RE: Haul 'n' Maul
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2005, 05:29:00 pm »

*Daeron walks by and reads the post. After ten minutes he draws the conclusion that it is written in common. He then pins a note from himself under the note*

Since every ox I had never lived longer than two days I´m greatly interested in your skills. I have found it hard lately to buy an ox with clear conscience, because I know I can not protect them. Therefore I will look for you from now on, when I plan for small mining expeditions.


Daeron Stormcloud


RE: Haul 'n' Maul
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2005, 05:32:00 pm »
*scribbled in equally terrible writing beneath it*

You don' wan get dis giant to 'elp yous Mon! Dis giant tis coward Mon..
I goes wit him to de swamp for fighting lizardmen and he runs like coward Mon! I Massanissa kill dem all by myself Mon.

*A hugely muscled black man with multiple tattoes and elbow length gauntlets walkes away laughing heartily*


RE: Haul 'n' Maul
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
*Glokk walks up, spends a long time trying to read the note, and gets angry*
*he then yells*
Me no coward! Glokk was talking to witch! Mean man lies about Glokk! Me could smash better dan him any day!

*he then tears Massanissa's the note of the wall, eats it, and belches very loudly*


RE: Haul 'n' Maul
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 07:15:00 pm »
// ROFL Fantastic....I got a real laugh reading this!!


RE: Haul 'n' Maul
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2005, 12:24:00 am »
Turor Sunderstone (No, wait, don't click back yet!) eyes the notes, and scritches his big black beard.

"Wersn' thes der giant-type wot warnted me ter mek him a shield...? Hm."

He then begins writing a note, and growling, crumples it up, this time writing it in COMMON rather than Dwarven. His script is neat and very legible.

Interested, maybe

I will seek you out, Glokk. But my ox and I have a very tight bond that I do not think you would be able to rise above with me. I would love your skills for hauling copper out of a mine while I collect Tin. And do not be so hastey to proclaim yourself superior to oxen. My ox, Bess, has likely killed far more ogres than even you, dear friend.

Yes, I shall seek you out in the areas around Hlint.


Turor of the clan Sunderstone