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Author Topic: Have You Reviewed the Items for Sale/Auction--Results  (Read 859 times)


Have You Reviewed the Items for Sale/Auction--Results
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:55:45 pm »
  • 257 Prantz Haft Lake District. The door is open. The items in the entry way will be the only things auctioned off. Please view the items when you get around that way to see if there is anything you would like and start thinking about your bids.

//Send me a PM of items you are interested in so we can focus on those items and not waste time on things people don't want. The reserve will be set at 70% of lense value or at market value if one is known. If there is only one person interested in an item, then it will be a straight sell at reserve/market value price. (didn't exactly work this way, but it worked out)

  • Entry will cost due to door prizes. The fee to enter will be 5,000 trues. Drop your coin off in the chest when you take your number.
  • There is food, drinks and PIES in the kitchen. Help yourself when you visit!
 //January, 8pm EST! If anyone has any requests, ideas, recommendations, please let me know.// Related thread


Anyone that goes to Charm's
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 04:33:19 pm »

Anyone that goes to Charm's house will see the follwoing note.


Due to the Liquid Death Panic

Event moved to Leringard Arms



Winner: Families of the fastrot victims

Bulls-Eye Contest

Winner: Vrebel

Dancing Contest

Winner: Miss Lana Poetr

Door Prizes

Winner: Olmae, Vincent, Miss Lana Poetr

Drinking Contest

Winner: Griff Silversand

Costume Contest

Winner: Olmae

Final Drawing

Winner: Olmae



//Thanks for everyone who
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2015, 04:42:26 pm »

//Thanks for everyone who attended. I appreciate the patience with dealing with me work through some things. Not everything went as I thought or planned they would and it took a lot longer then expected haha (a lot longer). I had a blast and am thankful for the awesome RP. The winners are above. If your PC won something and wasn't there or the item was still in "secure storage", Charm has it on her. She will deliver when I can catch you IG or we can arranged a meeting. Again, thank you!



Thanks everyone for your
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2015, 04:54:43 pm »

Thanks everyone for your participation at the auction. The auction brought in a staggering 772,000 trues, with an extra 100,000 donated by Acacea Thistletounge from Abiorn Rukyrm! The full amount will be going into a fund that will help the families of 'fastrot' victims.


Additionally, I will be setting up a foundation where continue funds can be gathered and redistributed to new families as more and more victims are taken.



//Great job and fun event. 
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2015, 01:42:53 am »

//Great job and fun event.  Have to ask, did the robe of energy ever get auctioned? haha



//Everyone was wanting other
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 12:10:32 am »

//Everyone was wanting other things so they didn't even get put in the chest until the end, which the crowd had dwindled at that point. So, no lol