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Author Topic: // level restrictions of elemental resistance  (Read 295 times)


// level restrictions of elemental resistance
« on: August 19, 2011, 08:27:24 am »
does anyone know the end result of adding several elemental resistances to a normal studded leather armor, or a wolf studded leather armor? (such as adding resistance to electricity, fire, and acid?). I assume I can add 3 elemental resistances to an armor, right?

I did a search but was unable to find this info...



Re: // level restrictions of elemental resistance
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 08:31:56 am »
You can only add a single elemental resistance to any one item. Adding "several" will result in overwriting the elemental resistance (if any) that was present before.


Re: // level restrictions of elemental resistance
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 08:35:48 am »
No, you can only add one resistance or enhancement to an item.  Adding another will eliminate the first.
 There's no sure way to tell how many levels such an addition will cause.  As far as I know, it depends on the lens value before and after the addition.  Increase in lens value may/will cause an increase in level.  One or two levels increase is the usual result.  (In general, the more expensive the original item, the less effect adding a resistance.)