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Author Topic: Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!  (Read 43 times)


Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!
« on: April 19, 2008, 12:32:07 am »
*Lyle tacks up a poster in the trade and market hall, thumbing his chin as he peers out from beneath the wide brim of his purple hat to read it over one last time to ensure it looks right.*

Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!

In the innerest o' a special project ah'm unner-takin' wit' some fellow adventurahs, ah'm findin' m'self in need o' certain supplies an' individual's wit' certain skills te complete the task ah've set upon m'self.

Ah'm currently in need o' the followin' supplies, an' will pay the amounts listed fer each te those who kin bring 'em te me.

7 Gorgon 'orns - will pay 100 True fer each.
28 Fire Opal Dusts - will pay 20 True fer each.
43 Enchanting Oils - will pay 75 True fer each.
30 Fire Opals - will pay 100 True fer each raw mineral, or 150 True fer each Finely cut gem.
60 Silver Ingots - will pay 150 True fer each smelted ingot, or 30 True fer each un-smelted nugget.
40 Pieces o' Worg Leather - will pay 100 True fer each tanned and cured piece, or 25 True fer each raw 'ide.

Iffn yer an enchant'r o' goodly skill, please contact me as ah'll be in need o' someone what kin enchant gorgon 'orns an' fire opals.  Ah'll supply all the materials fer doin' so, o' course.

Time is of the essence!

Iffn ye kin secure any o' these goods an' git 'em to me quick, please do so.  Look fer the right-sized fella wit' the purple suit an' 'at, an' that'll mos' likely be me, Lyle Underroot.  Iffn ye'd rathah donate the items, or yer skills, than be paid fer 'em ye kin do so knowin' yer stuff'll be goin' te 'elp some folks who need a right-good dose o' comfortin'.

Thank ye in advance fer yer eff'rts,


Lyle Underroot


Re: Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2008, 01:51:07 am »
I can help with almost all those items.... dont know about donatin if I dont know what cause I donatin them to but I will get in touch with ya soon with at least some of these all ready to go.



Re: Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2008, 06:25:03 am »
I have a gorgon horn and can get you the fire opal dusts easily enough. Let me know if you wish for them from me.

~Chakar A. El'Mujahir


Re: Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2008, 09:37:19 am »
*Lyle returns to check his notice and grins happilly*

"Well shoot!  That's a right fine beginnin', indeedy!"

*He pens a response to those left by the others*

Ah thank ye bot' from the top o' my 'eart, friends.  Ah'll take any an' all items listed from anyone, so long as it don' cause me te exceed my budget fer this operation.  That's why it's right fine iffn folks would donate thar items or skills.  Ah unnerstand 'esitation in doin' so when the goal ain' been made too clear.  May'aps ah kin git permission te share the details o' the venture, or at least the general goal, an' explain te yer satisfaction in person.  Iffn ah cain't, then ah'll 'appilly pay the listed ammounts fer the various goods.

Lady Comfort bless ya,

Lyle Underroot


Re: Master Instrument Crafter Needs Your Help!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2008, 09:33:03 pm »
*Tyrian wanders by and sees the note*


I can enchant your opals. I have never enchanted a horn before, might be rather interesting. Let me know if you still need help.

Tyrian Baldu'muur