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Author Topic: Milk Round  (Read 107 times)

Amadan's Fool

Milk Round
« on: January 11, 2011, 10:03:16 pm »
A note is left pinned on the craft hall noticeboard in Centre.

(Written in large characters in the style of someone not very confident with letters).

"All yer (sour- crossed out) milk needs met.

Get it while it still fresh!

Please ask for in the Hall. They know how to get me a message.

The Milkman"

OOC: they will let Puck know (so /t me in game or something- Puck is too embarrassed to let anyone know he working the cows so will RP it cloak and dagger).

//14 units at Present. can arrange more.


Re: Milk Round
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 11:36:40 pm »
"Milkman eh? Jus' wha' oi need.. loike."

*Görmungard taps his chin and then proceeds to rub his beard, and after a moments thought decides an amount*

Oi'll take 20 bottles ov milk, yeh ken find meh eitha in Krandor o Wayfare.


Amadan's Fool

Re: Milk Round
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 02:27:03 pm »

//sold - to the dwarf in the tartan :)