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Author Topic: Need more green ones!  (Read 110 times)


Need more green ones!
« on: January 27, 2010, 03:23:54 am »
*a scribbled note goes up in the pub in Hlint*
So oi was roight awll along ah got me load of green ones at the right price...know wot oi mean...but oi needs lots more..yah see oim makin a special little oi need anover 10 green ones and oil even set me price at 210 fousand trues fer the lot... gone are the days when you lot could ave wan a yer little auctions fer one measly emerald. So screw the nut and get the best price now before the market crashes.Cam on oi know theres a glut and they aint doin ya no good in the bleedin bank. You know it makes sense! Please contact The Wee Man at me ouse in Krandor as oim no longer gettin bed and breakfast at the pleasure of 'is Lordship of Lor
Yours Cordially
Wee Man

Guardian 452

Re: Need more green ones!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 06:03:37 pm »
*a man garbed in green walks away mumbling after reading the add*

How much longer before they are tossed aside like greenstones.....