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Author Topic: Large Platinum Shield  (Read 59 times)


Large Platinum Shield
« on: August 17, 2006, 12:38:40 pm »
*Sallaron frowns, moving from stall to stall, poster to poster*

Am I missing something? Why is it no one seems to be making Platinum Sheilds? Is the metal not Shield worthy?
I would be willing to buy one if someone could advise of a decent price.

Sallaron Tempest


RE: Large Platinum Shield
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2006, 12:42:33 pm »

Shields are not made in the Platinum variety.  The metal is only suitable for making armors and helmets.

I suggest you look into purchasing a shield of iron (5000 coin //+1 AC), adamantium (20000 coin //+2 AC) or mithril (150000 coin //+3 AC) instead.

Best regards,