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Author Topic: ring wanted  (Read 127 times)


ring wanted
« on: June 11, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
aye..Varka needs a ring which makes him stronger (+2 str) and oi have a diamond mineral...

If anyone wants to help me I will also throw in some coins..give me a price



RE: ring wanted
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2005, 02:35:00 pm »
I am Sin'dolin the wandering mage.I can give it a try if you gather all I need Ill charge 5000 gold but that up front fail or sucess.


RE: ring wanted
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2005, 05:48:00 pm »
((5000 for a diamond ring? Come on man failure a possibility or not this is simply ridiculous. Things like this is what ruin the economy.))


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RE: ring wanted
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2005, 06:33:00 pm »
// Varka will provide the mineral diamond, i believe, which is the hardest component to get for the ring. It wouldn't make sense for Sin to charge a much higher price in my opinion, anyway... My apologies for chiming in.


RE: ring wanted
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2005, 06:18:00 am »
*varka sees the note and adds*
Aye lad. Its a deal but as oi dont know what the other needed things are - oi got another proposal for ye…

Second Offer: I will trible that offer to 15.000 and give you the mineral to make the ring but…two things…. ye have to get the rest of the ingredients by ye self…..and if you fail to make the ring ye will get nothing…so….trible or thing. How does that sound?



RE: ring wanted
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2005, 06:22:00 am »
// this is a more reasonble anyone will not start to complain about "ruin of the economy" ;)



RE: ring wanted
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2005, 08:01:00 am »
Ok, and I sale things, actually made the gold that helped pay the houses of 2 of me 4 partners houses.  If someone wants to sell an emerald grace ring or whatever for one gold piece, it's his problem AND as long as there is NO RULE about selling min and max then quit bashing them.
Layo wants to be an open market (ie: player decide what the price of things will be) well that's great but then don't complain when someone sells something for cheaper then you or what the "market" usually sells them fer, like that.  That you complain about it OOC is wrong.  Hells I have Path tease and bitch about it fine IC, wether on the forum or IG but attacking the players because what? they don't fallow a rule that doesn't exist, hello.

And Varka if you want to try to get a diamond ring for 5k then go for it, THERE IS NO RULE AGAINST THAT.


RE: ring wanted
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2005, 10:53:00 am »
// First off this topic has gotten out of hand. Perhaps it should be moved, or frozen and let Varka and Sin do their business via PMs.
    Second, it's very true that this is an open market. But like any market, one or two people that can afford to sell things for way below the norm CAN ruin it for everyone.
    Then I'd like to ask you freemen to calm down. It's a game and you seem to be getting very worked up over a deal that isn't affecting you at the moment.
    And last I'll post a link. This link talks about Mulling, which is getting an item for nothing. Now that's not what's happening here, but in essence Mulling can also be in my opinion "getting an item for far less than it's worth, without doing much work."
  (ie: Being sold an emerald cat's grace ring for 1 gold. That is definatly mulling.) I doubt this 5'000 gold deal, which is now a 15'000 gold deal, would count, however there IS a Trader's Union as Pankoki has posted about in the Wild Sturge, and the economy of Hampshire is being ruined... think about it... (maybe the'll come out with a few rules) ;)


RE: ring wanted
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2005, 11:09:00 pm »
//actually agree with them, just hate peer pressure...sorry about getting excited :)
I also got a new player to buy 2 iron shortsword from someone because I was feeling like brokering a great deal at that moment and I would never sell those blades at that price.  But is was fun lol
Hells I got my mahagony bow at an auction fer a steal and got someone else to make it a compound fer another steal and if I'd won the bet it would have been for free.  I don't think there is anything wrong with managing to get an item you really want if you know the right people and can RP around the price.  But if you all want to set a specific price fer all items hells am all fer that, I hate hagling with people when I'm selling things, one of the reasons we're trying to come up with a fair price list with my partners *shrugs*