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Author Topic: Rings of Divinity for Sale  (Read 99 times)


Rings of Divinity for Sale
« on: April 09, 2006, 04:09:05 pm »
In my wonderings, I have come across a pair of rings. Having examined a similar pair in my youth, I believe these rings can hold divine grace to be released in the form of additional clerical spells. The pair consists of one lesser and one intermediate ring of divinity.

I am willing to sell the pair to a qualified buyer for 11000 gold pieces. I will sell them individually for 4000 and 8000 gold, respectively.

Contact Ifion Witseeker if interested.

// Ring of Divinity I (lvl 6 requirement, I think) 3 Level 1 Cleric spell slots
// Ring of Divinity II (lvl 9 requirement, I think) 3 Level 2 Cleric spell slots


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Re: Rings of Divinity for Sale
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2006, 01:13:17 pm »
*Lancur sees the notice and quickly writes a note*
Do you still have these rings.  As I am interested in purchasing the intermediate one.  If you have sold them, then I shall look elsewhere.


*He hands it to the Postmaster, it is addressed to Ifion Witseeker*


Re: Rings of Divinity for Sale
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 03:36:24 pm »

I have the rings on my person and will hold them for you. Look for me near Hlint, or we can arrange a meeting at your convenience.

Ifion Witseeker

// Since I'm GMT-6 and you're probably GMT+1, I'll probably have to jump on one morning or noon to overlap with you. Let me know and we can meet up.


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RE: Rings of Divinity for Sale
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2006, 11:12:45 am »

I have been rather busy recently on many an errand.  However I may be able to be in Hlint whilst I spend a short period resting myself.
However, I have spoken with a friend of mine, He answers to the name "Ryuurik" and a sketch of his appearance is attached.  Ryuurik will most likely be in Hlint for a fair while, I believe he has some business to attend to.  If you should see him, he will take the items on my behalf and he will pay you for them.



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Re: Rings of Divinity for Sale
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2006, 06:38:24 am »
Cullyn read the finding of the rings and sent out a reply.

Dear Ring bearer,

I am in search of the first ring of divinity like the one you hold. If for some reason you have not found a buyer yet, I will accept the offer of 4000 gold for the first ring. If you have found a buyer then please keep me in mind if you come across a second such item. Anything that allows me to heal the wounded and sustain life in the name of Aeridin is much needed.

Cullyn Alistair