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Author Topic: Seeking for Dusts of Appearance, Gems of Light  (Read 2348 times)


Seeking for Dusts of Appearance, Gems of Light
« on: November 11, 2023, 02:31:41 pm »
I am seeking to buy up to 20 gems of light and 10 dusts of appearance.

Görmungard Boulderanvil


Re: Seeking for Dusts of Appearance, Gems of Light
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2023, 01:37:45 am »
A faint green light comes towards you on a serpentine trajectory.  As it gets closer you see it is a pixie. With it is a faint waft of beer.

"you Gormungard? *hiccup* yeah of course you are, that's what the guy over there said.  Boss saw your requisition for gems of light and *hiccup* he thinks he can help you out.  But you didn't say where you wanted them delivered. *burp and looks a little embarrassed*  Oh yeah, forgot my manners, name is Pint.  What can i tell the boss?"


Re: Seeking for Dusts of Appearance, Gems of Light
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2023, 01:27:37 pm »
Görmungard tells the pixie the gems can be delivered to the Cailomel's Shop onto his bookshelf located in the main hallway.
He also asks for the pixie to ask her master for the price per gem, takes a fine amethyst to make one, anyhow.


Re: Seeking for Dusts of Appearance, Gems of Light
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2023, 08:18:39 pm »
Pint bursts into laughter before seemingly starting a conversation with herself.

"Price per gem.  He wants to know the price per gem. *hiccup* As if the boss would do something so logical.  But noooo, never listens to Pint when it comes to the money. See how he likes *hiccup* likes his integrity when he cant afford a beer."

Coming to a bit of composure Pint regards you again.

"The work is its own *sighs* reward.  The boss will have them delivered shortly"

The pixie darts off on a more straightforward path than before and disappears into the distance.
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