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Author Topic: Addy Heater shield  (Read 46 times)


Addy Heater shield
« on: July 15, 2008, 03:39:04 pm »
I'm looking for an Addy Heater shield. I seem to be missing my old one. I do not have much true but I do have 3 mineral diamonds. If interested please contact myself.

Buddy Tenker

//Weird glitch caused me to drop my old one and have it dissappear as soon as it hit the ground.


Re: Addy Heater shield
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 08:28:20 pm »
*written in what appears to be a mix of blood and mud for ink*

Arkolio got good good Prices!  Kor Reccomends!


*grabs another set of posts fromt he board and tacks it right next to this one for easy reading.