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Author Topic: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore  (Read 110 times)


Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« on: June 13, 2007, 04:21:30 am »
Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
Ore and more to your door

Material| Price Nuggets | Stock | Price Ingots | Stock | Price Change
Iron    | 300    | 0| 400    |
17 |  none
Gold    | 300  | 0 | 350  | 0 | none
Platinum    | 300    | 0 | 400    | 1 |  none
Silver    | 300    | 0    | 600 | 3 | none
Material    | Price Per Pelt |    Stock | Price Change
Lion | 200 | 0 | none
Dire Tiger |    350 |    0 | none
Dire Bear |    500 |    0 | none
Ancient Dire Bear | 500 |4 | none
Boxed Goods
Material    | Price Per Box |    Stock
Spider Silk    | 3000    | 0
Item    | Price |    Stock |    // Stats
Iron Kite Shield |     1000    |     4     |      AC 3 + 1, level 5
Northern Scalemail |    3000 |      1 |        AC 4 + 1, max dex 4, cold resistance -\\5, level 9
Platinum Scalemail |     6000    |  2    |   AC 4 + 2, max dex 4, level 10
Credit for trade goods and services are accepted forms of payment for most major Guilds.

A discount of 20 percent will be given on all items for payment in true coin.  Payment in credit or trade is at the full price.


Jacrum Shieldbreaker

// PM or Tell


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 01:12:18 am »
I will take your box of silk and Lion Skins.

Magus Del'mar


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 09:05:39 am »
The price of gold ingots continues to drop.  Platinum and silver hold steady.

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining.  Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2007, 08:36:05 am »
The price of gold ingots continues to drop, get your gold now before the price rises again!  Platinum and silver hold steady.

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining.  Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 03:30:53 am »
Get ready for an iron shortage.  The price of platinum is dropping.  I may be possible that iron will be come rarer then platinum.  Silver holds steady.

Dire bear is out of stock now, and for the near future.  Expect the price to rise as remaining stock is sold.  Ancient Dire bear is now available.

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining.  Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2007, 07:25:17 pm »
*tacks up a note*


I'll take 12 ingots of gold if ye have them.

My Thanks,

/////gah I'll delete the thread in a couple days, sorry didnt see the instructions////


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2007, 01:20:31 am »
Platinum is now the same price as iron.  Platinum sells fast but can be obtained readily, place your orders now.  Iron is becomming rare.  However a small stock of iron remains.  Silver holds hold steady.

Good stock of Ancient Dire Bear is now available.  Dire Bear is out of stock.

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining. Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 08:27:27 am »
Brother I wish to place an order for two boxes of spider silk when you have it!

Sasha Tomyris.


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2007, 05:34:28 am »
There is now a small amount of Iron instock.   Platinum is low.  Silver holds hold steady.

A small stock of Dire Bear and Ancient Dire Bear is now available.  

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining. Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Shieldbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2007, 08:45:30 pm »
Get your Iron and Silver here!  If you need regular shipments of iron contact Shieldbreaker Shipping and Ore.

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining. Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2008, 09:54:45 pm »
Get your Iron and Silver here!

Iron is now suicide!  Silver deposits are becoming rarer.  A limited stock of these rare metals are available from Shieldbreaker Shipping.  Get your iron or silver shipment ordered before the prices rise as they must.

If you need regular shipments of ore contact Shieldbreaker Shipping and Ore.

*A small notice is attached in dwarven*
Wanted stout dwarves interested in a career in mining. Present applications in person to Jacrum Shieldbreaker.

// stock updated

// I'm going to try and keep this thread clean. So please don't post in this thread or if you do delete the post after a day or two. Better yet send a PM or a tell in game. //


Re: Sheildbreaker Shipping and Ore
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2008, 07:29:21 am »
do you sell copper or bronze at all? Yvale the druid asks....