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Author Topic: Shadon Trapping Bow  (Read 45 times)


Shadon Trapping Bow
« on: August 28, 2010, 06:37:46 pm »
//+2 Shortbow, +2 Disable Trap & Open Lock, 1x/realtime hour spawns 198 1d6 electic arrows, Level Req. 17, useable by Rogue, Ranger or Arcane Archer only//

Found me a nifty lil bow in the Sharawood today.  Great fer sneaks n scouts who anticipate high security.  Every so often it produces free electric arrows which be bound to the bearer... don't try and sell em, just won't work.  But still useful, save ye a bundle in ammo, and ye kin use yer special made uns innah pinch no problem.  Contains the mischievous spirit of Shadon innit, and occasionally will shock ye instead of givin arrows.  Ye need ter beh ah capable scout ter use em, or at least have powers ter trick the Al'Noth round it.

I'll let this lil beauty go fer the bargain price of 10,000 true.  First come first served, I could use the beer money fast.  This lil gem pays fer itself quickly if ye hit the ammo as hard as I do.

-Kurn Blackwater


Shadon Trapping Bow
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 10:32:08 pm »
I try ter find ye soon lad!
