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Author Topic: The Arm of the Ram  (Read 570 times)


The Arm of the Ram
« on: January 31, 2010, 01:42:18 pm »

All prices subject to negotiation.

[SIZE=24]Enhancements & Resistances[/SIZE]

Weapon Enhancements:
Compound Bow Parts I = 1000 True

Elemental Enhancements:

Cold/Electrical/Fire Enhancement I (2 elemental damage) = 1500 True
Electrical/Fire Enhancement II (1d4 elemental damage) = 4500 True
Electrical/Fire Enhancement III (1d6 elemental damage) = 10,000 True
Cold/Electrical/Fire Enhancement IV (1d8 elemental damage) = 20,000 True

Silver Enhancements:
Silver Enhancement I (2 damage vs. Undead/Werebeasts) = 3000 True
Silver Enhancement II (1d4 damage vs. Undead/Werebeasts) = 6000 True
Silver Enhancement III (1d6 damage vs. Undead/Werebeasts) = 15,000 True
Silver Enhancement IV (1d8 damage vs. Undead/Werebeasts) = 20,000 True

Elemental Resistances:

Electrical/Acid/Cold/Fire Resistance I (5/- elemental resistance) = 4500 True
Electrical/Cold/Fire Resistance II (10/- elemental resistance) = 15,000 True

[SIZE=24]Armour, Shields & Clothes[/SIZE]

Bracers & Gloves:
Bracers of Armor +2 (Armour Class +2 (Armor Modifier), Level Required 8 ) = 3000 True
Bracers of the Scout (Armour Class +1, Camouflage 2 charges/use, Darkness 1 use/day, Level Required 8 ) = 3000 True
Gloves of Animal Handling (Animal Empathy +3, only usable by Druids and Rangers, Level Required 1) = 120 True
Gloves of Appraisal (Appraise +3, Level Required 1) = 120 True
Gloves of Concentration (Concentration +3, Level Required 1) = 120 True
Gloves of Minuscule Observation (Search +12, Level Required 6) = 2800 True
Gloves of the Scout (Dexterity +1, Hide +2, Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Parry +2, Spot +2, Level Required 9) = 5700 True
Lion Leather Gloves (Attack Bonus +1, Level Required 3) = 1000 True

Archers Edge (Armour Class +1, Entropic Shield 1 use/day, Level Required 8 ) = 5000 True
Belt of Acquisition (Dexterity +1, Pick Pocket +4, Expeditious Retreat 1 use/day, Level Required 9) = 7400 True
Belt of Cunning (Wisdom +1, Hide +1, Search +1, Level Required 8 ) = 4100 True
Belt of Evading (Reflex +2, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Tumble +3, Expeditious Retreat 1 use/day, Level Required 12) = 12000 True
Elemental Ejector Belt U-43 (Dragon Breath Acid/Cold/Fire/Lightning 1 charge/use each, Level Required 8 ) = 7400 True
In Honour of Shadow ( Armour Bonus verses Undead +4, Acid Resistance 10/-, Spell Resistance 20, Level Required 19) = 58,000 True
Healers Hug (Heal +3, Cure Critical Wounds 1 use/day, Level Required 12) = 12,500
Utility Belt (Wisdom -2, Hide -8, Listen-2, Move Silently -8, Dexterity +1, Disable Trap +5, Open Lock +5, Set Trap +5, Level Required 13) = 18,000 True

Acenders March (Armour Class verses Elemental/Giant +3, Armour Class verse Goblinoids +2, Level Required 14) = 4000 True
Alaamiathela's Slippers (Armour Class Dodge +1, Cold Resistance 5/-, Light Bright (20m) Blue, Heal +4, Spellcraft +4, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Blue Suede Shoes (Charisma +1, Dexterity +1, Perform +2, Tumble +2, Level required 10) = 8000 True
Boots of the Militia (Constitution +1, Fortitude +1, Will +1, Concentration +2, Discipline +2, Level Required 10) = 8500 True
Boots of Reflexes +2 (Reflex +2, Level Required 5) = 1500 True
Boots of Striding +1 (Constitution +1, Level Required 4) = 1200 True
Fezeeaka's Slippers of Alertness (Armour Bonus Dodge +1, Electrical Resistance 5/-, Light Bright (20m) Blue, Listen +4, Tumble +4, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Jaldrix's Boots of Vivacity (Armour Bonus Dodge +1, Fire Resistance 5/-, Light Bright (20m) Red, Perform +4, Taunt +4, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Stone's Boots of Protection (Armour Class Dodge +1, Acid resistance 5/-, Light Bright (20m) Green, Concentration +4, Discipline +4, Level Required 8 ) = 5000 True

Cloak of Az'atta (Saving Throw verses Poison +4, Sanctuary 2 uses/day, Level Required 10) = 9500 True
Cloak of Fortification +1 (Armour Class +1, Universal Saving Throw +1, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Cloak of the Watchers (Protection from Evil 2 charges/use, Take to the Air 1 charge/use, True Seeing 1 charge/use, Web 2 charges/use, Level Required 8 ) = 4500 True
Glorious Mantle (Armour Class verses Animals +3, Saving Throw verses cold/fire +2, Saving Throw verses Fear +3, Level Required 15) = 25,000 True
Riam's Cloak of Reflex (Reflex +2, Level Required 5) = 1200 True

Armour (light):
Black Hide Armour (Armour Class verses Slashing +1, Concentration +3, Level Required 4) = 1200 True
Black Leather Armour (Concentration +3, Level Required 1) = 250 True
Leather Armour +3 (Armour Class +3, Level Required 15) = 28,000 True

Armour (medium):

Bronze Chainmail (Bludgeoning 5% Immunity, Level Required 6) = 1600 True
Bronze Chain Shirt (Bludgeoning 5% Immunity, Parry +3, Level Required 8 ) = 2000 True
Bronze Half Plate (Slashing 5% Immunity, Level Required 7) = 3000 True
Bronze Scale Mail (Bludgeoning 5% Immunity, Concentration +3, Level Required 8 ) = 2500 True
Crocodile Armour (Saving Throw verses Cold/Disease +2, Level Required 9) = 3000 True
Iron Chain Shirt (Armour Class +1, Parry +3, Level Required 8 ) = 4500 True
Iron Scale Mail (Armour Class +1, Concentration +3, Level Required 8 ) = 4300 True

Armour (heavy):
Adamantium Full Plate (Armour Class +1, Damage Reduction +1, Soak 5 Damage, Slashing Resistance 5/-, Discipline +3, Level Required 18 ) = 18,000 True
Bronze Half Plate (Slashing 5% Immunity, Level Required 7) = 3000 True
Half Plate +3 (Armour Class +3, Level Required 15) = 25,000 True
Iron Full Plate (Armour Class +1, Slashing 5% Immunity, Discipline +3, Level Required 12) = 7500 True
Iron Half Plate (Armour Class +1, Level Required 6) = 6500 True

Noise Maker (Concentration -1, Saving Throw verses Fear +4, Reflex -1, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Platinum Bascinet (Concentration +2, Discipline +2, Level Required 1) = 250 True
Silk Hood (Armour Bonus +2, Concentration +3, Level Required 10) = 8000 True

Dragon Skin Buckler (Armour Class +1, No Spell Failure, Level Required 14) = 24,000 True
Iron Kite Shield (Armour Class +1, Level Required 5) = 2500 True
Iron Star Shield (Armour Class +1, Level Required 5) = 1600 True

Robes & Clothing:
Cobalt Reinforced Clothing (Armour Class +2, Slashing Resistance 5/-, Level Required 13) = 20,000 True
Greater Mage's Armour (Armour Class +3, Lore +3, Spellcraft +4, Only usable by Sorcerer/Wizard, Level Required 18 ) = 20,000 True
Lesser Lady's Gift (Armour Class +1, Concentration +2, Heal +2, Lore +2, Spellcraft +2, Only usable by Cleric/Sorcerer/Wizard, Level Required 10) = 8000 True
Lesser Mage's Armour (Armour Class +1, Lore +1, Spellcraft +2, Only usable by Sorcerer/Wizard, Level Required 8 ) = 6000 True
Lesser Monk's Armour (Armour Class +1, Discipline +2, Only usable by Lawful/Monk, Level Required 7) = 2500 True
Robes of Acid (Acid Resistance 10/-, Light Dim (5m) Green, Level Required 2) = 500 True
Robes of Lightning (Electrical Resistance 10/-, Light Dim (5m) Blue, Level Required 2) = 500 True


Melee Weapons (simple):
Adamantium Dagger (Enhancement Bonus +2, Level Required 10) = 8000 True
Black Kumade (Enhancement Bonus +2, Spell Resistance 10, Spear, Level Required 10) = 8000 True
Iron Dagger (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1000 True
Snake Fang (Poison DC~14 1d2 Constitution Damage, Dagger, Level Required 10) = 8000 True
Walking Stick of the Hierophant (Enhancement Bonus +1, Sleep 1 charge/use, Level Required 4) = 1200 True

Melee Weapons (martial):
Bloodfall (Enhancement Bonus +1, Attack Bonus +2, Level Required 14) = 3000 True
Cowards Blade (Enhancement Bonus +1, Expeditious Retreat 1 use/day, Shortsword, Level Required 8 ) = 3800 True
Goblin Mincer (1d4 Cold Damage, Enhancement Bonus +1, Light Low (10m) Blue, Longsword, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Iron Battleaxe (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1800 True
Iron Greataxe (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 2100 True
Iron Greatsword (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 2100 True
Iron Hand Axe (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1300 True
Iron Maul (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 2100 True
Iron Rapier (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1800 True
Iron Shortsword (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1300 True
Iron Warhammer (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1800 True
Light Bronze Hammer (2 Bludgeoning Damage, Level Required 5) = 800 True
Swashbuckler's Sabre (Armour Class +1, Enhancement Bonus +1, Parry +4, Level Required 12) = 12,000 True

Melee Weapons (exotic):
Adamantium Kukri (Enhancement Bonus +2, Level Required 10) = 8000 True
The Adler (Enhancement Bonus +1, Whip, Level Required 5) = 1800 True
Bloody Lash (Disarm (Whip), Wounding DC~16, Level Required 13) = 8000 True
Hamaji's Fan (Attack Bonus +2, 1d10 Slashing Damage, Fashion Accessory, Level Require 14) = 15,000 True
Lawgiver (Enhancement Bonus +1, Enhancement Bonus verses Chaotic +3, Bastard Sword, Level Required 14) = 20,000 True

Ranged Weapons:
Lesser Flight of Fancy (Attack Bonus verses Dwarf/Human +2, Alertness, Longbow, Level Required 10) = 8000 True

Missile Weapons & Ammo:
Arrow of the Destroyer x25 (1d8 Fire Damage, Only usable by CE/CN/NE/TN, Level Required 14) = 5000 True
Bronze Bullets x99 (2 Bludgeoning Damage, Level Required 6) = 500 True
Iron Bullets x99 (3 Bludgeoning Damage, Level Required 11) = 1000 True
Iron Dart x25 (Extra Ranged Damage: Bludgeoning, Level Required 1) = 200 True
Iron Throwing Axe x50 (Enhancement Bonus +1, Level Required 5) = 1000 True
Tooth of the Viper x50 (Attack Bonus +1, No Damage, Poison DC~16 1d2 Constitution Damage, Dart, Level Required 16) = 10,000 True


Lesser Ability Rings:
Ring of Bull's Strength I (Strength +1, Level Required 6) = 2250 True
Ring of Cat's Grace I (Dexterity +1, Level Required 6) = 2250 True
Ring of Eagle's Splendor I (Charisma +1, Level Required 6) = 2250 True
Ring of Endurance I (Constitution +1, Level Required 6) = 2250 True
Ring of Fox's Cunning I (Intelligence +1, Level Required 6) = 2250 True
Ring of Owl's Wisdom I (Wisdom +1, Level Required 6) = 2250 True

Intermediate Ability Rings:

Ring of Cat's Grace II (Dexterity +2, Level Required 12) = 14,000 True
Ring of Eagle's Splendor II (Charisma +2, Level Required 12) = 14,000 True
Ring of Endurance II (Constitution +2, Level Required 12) = 14,000 True
Ring of Fox's Cunning II (Intelligence +2, Level Required 12) = 14,000 True

Lesser Ability Amulets:
Amulet of Bull's Strength I (Strength +1, Level Required 5) = 2500 True
Amulet of Eagle's Splendor I (Charisma +1, Level Required 5) = 2500 True
Amulet of Fox's Cunning I (Intelligence +1, Level Required 5) = 2500 True
Amulet of Owl's Wisdom I (Wisdom +1, Level Required 5) = 2500 True

Intermediate Ability Amulets:

Amulet of Fox's Cunning II (Intelligence +2, Level Required 11) = 15,000 True
Amulet of Bull's Strength II (Strength +2, Level Required 11) = 15,000 True
Amulet of Eagle's Splendor II (Charisma +2, Level Required 11) = 15,000 True
Amulet of Endurance II (Constitution +2, Level Required 11) = 15,000 True
Amulet of Cat's Grace II (Dexterity +2, Level Required 11) = 15,000 True
Amulet of Owl's Wisdom II (Wisdom +2, Level Required 11) = 15,000 True

Misc. Jewellery:
Crow's Feather Necklace (Spell Immunity Darkness, Level Required 12) = 10,000 True
Feldspar set in an Adamantium Amulet (Saving Throw verses Death +3, Level Required 12) = 12,000 True
Fire Opal set in a Silver Ring (Reflex +2, Level Required 7) = 4000 True
Ring of Wizardry I (Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard 1st Level x3, Only usable by Wizard, Level Required 6) = 3000 True
Sapphire set in a Silver Ring (Concentration +4, Spellcraft +4, Level Required 5) = 2500 True
Topaz set in a Silver Ring (Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Level Required 5) = 2000 True

Exceptional Jewellery:

Exceptional Amulet of Fox's Cunning II (Intelligence +2, Fox's Cunning 2 uses/day, Level Required 13) = 19,000 True
Exceptional Amulet of Owl's Wisdom II (Wisdom +2, Owl's Wisdom 2 uses/day, Level Required 13) = 19,000 True
Exceptional Fire Opal set in a Silver Ring (Reflex +3, Level Required 11) = 6000 True
Exceptional Greenstone set in a Copper Ring (Saving Throw verses Poison +2, Level Required 5) = 1500 True
Exceptional Malachite set in a Copper Ring (Saving Throw verses Disease +2, Level Required 5) = 1500 True
Exceptional Ring of Bull's Strength I (Strength +1, Bull's Strength 1 use/day, Level Required 10) = 7000 True
Exceptional Ring of Cat's Grace II (Dexterity +2, Cat's Grace 2 uses/day, Level Required 14) = 18,000
Exceptional Ring of Eagle's Splendor I (Charisma +1, Eagle's Splendor 1 use/day, Level Required 10) = 7000 True
Exceptional Ring of Endurance I (Constitution +1, Endurance 1 use/day, Level Required 10) = 7000 True
Exceptional Ring of Owl's Wisdom I (Wisdom +1, Owl's Wisdom 1 use/day, Level Required 10) = 7000 True

[SIZE=24]Magical Items & Trinkets[/SIZE]

Ashes and Dust (Contagion, Infestation of Maggots, , Poison, Only usable by Cleric/Druid, Level Required 10) = 8500 True
Details on Destruction (Combust, Gust of Wind, Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, Scintillating Sphere, Only usably by Sorcerer/Wizard, Level Required 12) = 13,000 True
Dissertations on Divination (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Find Traps, Identify, Only Usable by Bard/Cleric/Sorcerer/Wizard, Level Required 9) = 7000 True
Fooled You (Displacement, Improved Invisibility, Silence, Only usable by Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard, Level Required 10) = 7500 True
Paladin's Primer (Aura of Glory, Bless Weapon, Prayer, Only usable by Paladin, Level Required 9) = 5000 True
Permutations on Protection (Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Protection from Alignment, Only usable by Bard/Sorcerer, Level Required 9) = 5500 True
Seeing the Forest for the Trees (Invisibility Purge, Mass Camouflage, One with the Land, Only usable by Ranger, Level Required 10) = 8000 True
Skull Duggery (Expeditious Retreat, Find Traps, Knock, Only usable by Rogue, Level Required 5) = 2000 True
To Be or Not to Become (Fox's Cunning, Keen edge, Slow, Only usable by Wizard, Level Required 10) = 7500 True

Desert Firstbloom Wildflower (Light Bright (20m) Blue, Cure Moderate Wounds 1 charge/use, Level Required 5) = 800 True
Skull of the Black (Damage Penalty -5, Evil Bight 1 charge/use, Ghoul Touch 1 charge/use, Only usable by Evil, Level Required 1) = 500 True
Thieves' Tools +3 (Level Required 1) = 100 True

Bulls Strength (Level Required 5) = 800 True
Burning Hands (Level Required 2) = 500 True
Camouflage (Level Required 2) = 500 True
Lightning Bolt (Level Required 9) = 2500 True
Melf's Acid Arrow (Level Required 4) = 800 True
Neutralize Poison (Level Required 9) = 3500 True
Stoneskin (Level Required 10) = 3500 True


Minor (100 True):
Cure Minor Wounds

First Circle (250 True):
Bless Weapon
Cure Light Wounds
Expeditious Retreat
Magic Missile
Remove Fear
Summon Creature I

Second Circle (500 True):
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Death Armour
Endure Elements
Ghostly Visage
Summon Creature II

Third Circle (1000 True)
Find Traps

Fourth Circle (2500 True)
Elemental Shield

Fifth Circle (5000 True)
Cone of Cold
Mind Fog

[SIZE=24]Specialist Items[/SIZE]

Minor Acid Splash/Fire/Frost/Gas/Holy/Sonic/Spike/Tangle Trap (Level Required 1) = 400 True
Average Frost/Spike Trap (Level Required 1) = 750 True
Strong Holy Trap (Level Required 1) = 1000 True
Deadly Holy Trap (Level Required 1) = 1500 True

Ettercap/Aranea Spider (Level Required 1) = 100 True
Giant Spider/Phase Spider (Level Required 1) = 300 True
Bebilith/Dire Spider (Level Required 2) = 600 True
Queen Spider/Bastard Sword Spider (Level Required 3) = 900 True

Inquire about our discount for bulk buying.


The Arm of the Ram is proud to represent a number of prominent mercenary organisations and independent specialists. If you need a job done, we are the ones to ask!

//OOC Note: The Arm of the Ram is an underground trading venture. Therefore we ask that you do not post here unless your character has ties to the shady underbelly of Layonara, or hears about it IG. If you do not fit into this category and there is a particular item you want, we suggest you ask a dodgy friend to buy if for you. The Ram was created to promote evil rp, and we hope to keep it that way ;) . The Ram also offers a means of communication (though this is not advertised) with faiths/organisations that might not normally be approachable by players.

Current members are:

Stygian Achnuman (Ravemore)
Dr. Alandric Vensk (Polak76)
Revone Starr (HooD!uM)
Jehoram (Spike)
The following users thanked this post: Polak76, merlin34baseball, Ravemore, Zoogmunch, Kenderfriend, geloooo


Re: The Arm of the Ram
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 06:26:01 am »
New items added.


Re: The Arm of the Ram
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 06:37:18 am »
* Alandric leads a dark elf woman into the house.  Rumours of the fabled "Arm of the Ram" had brought her to him like a moth to an unholy flame.  Upon entering, her dark eye's take time to adjust to the soft candle light and from within the large room her eyes widen at sight of the over-flowing chests of unique and extremely potent magical items.
Alandric grins and extends his hand in a welcoming fashion which she accepts greedily and begins rustling through all the chests.  
The candles erode to half their original form before she returns to Alandric with arms full of various trinkets, weapons, and jewelery.  He calculates the prices and details this to the woman.  He hungry eyes fall suddenly and he almost hears her sigh.
"Fear not fair lady, I will grant these to you as favor.  But remeber you are now in my debt.  You will pay for these goods at the sum indicated or you will pay in others ways that serve my requirements.  Understand?"
She nods excitedly and departs for the portal ata the rear quarters of the house.
Alandric smiles, pleased with the transactions and strides towards the portal as well, whistling a delightful little tune. *

//will send PM of items taken from house.


Re: The Arm of the Ram
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2010, 11:06:31 am »
Order Form

Deliver To:
  Gladyus Rockface,
   C/O One Eyed Harpy,
   Fort Vehl.

Item | Quantity | Price
fire enhancement III | 1 |  10000
electrical resistance II | 1 | 15000
total | | 25000


Re: The Arm of the Ram
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2010, 08:37:42 pm »
A message will be sent to you shortly when these items are complete.



Re: The Arm of the Ram
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2010, 01:31:23 am »
Gladyus Rockface,
C/O One Eyed Harpy,
Fort Vehl.

Your order is complete.


//You can pick the items up at 224 Haftlake at your leisure. The door is unlocked. There is a pick-up chest to the right of the door as you enter. Please leave payment in the chest and pretend that there are employees present... ;)


Re: The Arm of the Ram
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2010, 11:33:26 am »
Payment recived, items traded.

