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Author Topic: Staff for the "foresters"  (Read 185 times)


Staff for the "foresters"
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:46:00 am »
Aye, it has come to my knowledge in the most irritating way that a magical staff I was searching and had crafted for me, is not suitable for my powers in any particular way. But through means of magical identifying I believe this staff of mine would be of use to a druid with mediocre powers.
So I am putting it for sale, the ingredients to make a staff like this are not easily gathered and / or made, and their cost can rise up to seven thousand gold pieces, or even more. But I dare not ask for such a price on this matter, and I am only asking for what reads below, more can be offered too, of course, far be it from me to deny gold offered to me. The staff gives you some enhancements to your skills and let's you summon a creature once per day.

FOR SALE: Staff of the Badger -4000gp
// Druid only, +3 animal empathy, +2 intimidate, summon creature 1 (2) once per day (level requirement: 4) //

--Godim Harjumaa, (frustrated mage)

*there is quite plenty of paper below for you to write a message*


RE: Staff for the "foresters"
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 05:11:00 pm »
I will pay your price for this.



RE: Staff for the "foresters"
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 06:12:00 pm »
Splendid, I shall contact the postmen to catch up on you and to make a meeting.

--Godim Harjumaa

