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Author Topic: Tad's potions & junk  (Read 278 times)


Tad's potions & junk
« on: April 22, 2007, 02:35:30 am »
now with rice cakes (and more stuff noone wants to buy) *draws a smiley face*
 ================================================== ========
 barkskin: 150
 cure wounds (green): 25
 cure wounds (grey): 50
 alchemists fire: 20
 bless: 75
 polishing oil: 15
 tanning acid: 15
 tanning oil: 15
 pipeweed- each box contains enough to fill a pipe thirty five times, or one herb pouch
 ================================================== ========
 plains exceptional: 420
 wolfwood cut: 550
 green dragon's envy: 700
 sampler pack: 500 (contains 8 pipe-fulls of each type of weed)
 hickory pipes -very limited stock- 75
 other useful items (things i have found on my travels which may prove useful to someone else)
 ================================================== ========
 blue suede shoes: 5000
 dragonskin buckler: 8000
  lesser lady's gift: 5000

 belt of acquisition: 5000 ((+1 dex +4 pick pocket, expedious retreat))
 boots of the militia: 5000 ((con +1 dex+1 dicipline+2 concentration +2 fortitude+1 will+1))
 details on destruction: 5000
 lesser mage's armor: 2000
 fox's cunning ring: 2000
 platinum ingots: 600
 essays on enchantment: 5000
 crow feather necklace: 2500
  noise maker helm: 2500 ((concentration-1, reflex-1, fear saves+4))

 broken scales: 20000 ((acid fog, cloud kill, mestil's acid sheath& breath lvl req 18 ))
 sapphire ore: 600
 gloves of the scouts: 5000 ((+1 dex, +2 hide, +2 listen, +2 move silently, parry+2, spot+2))
 malar skins: 2000
 swhashbuckler's sabre: 7000 ((AC+1 enhancement +1 parry +4))
 adler whip: 1000 ((+1))
 bloody lash: 5000 ((disarm wounding DC 16 lvl req 13))
 iron rapier: 1500
 last defense greatsword: 7000 ((+1 enchancement +3 against monsterous))
 oak longbow: 1000
 iron long sword: 1500
 snake fang: 3000
 iron bastard sword: 1500
 hamaji's fan: 6000
 iron short sword: 1000
 light iron flail: 1500
 dwarven war axe: 1500
 iron warhammer: 1500
 juices and food-
 ================================================== ========
 steamed rice: 30
 rice cake: 50
 rice cake (with cherry filling): 50
 *note: changes to available goods or their price will be written here*
 *also, potion, juice and pipeweed prices are non negotiable*
 if you have any orders or specific requests just write a note and place it below this ad, send me a bird or talk to me in person. -Tadhg Mcneill
 *gives basic description of self*


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2007, 03:31:45 am »
I'd like to buy two rice cakes with cherry filling.
Signed above a simple red slash,
Kinai Kinsei


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2007, 03:56:16 pm »
I'll buy twenty bottles of cranberry juice.  Simply leave a note here informing me where to pick them up.



Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2007, 06:31:05 pm »
*moves his poster back to the top, hoping the wider selection will draw some customers for once*
 kin and kell *grins as he writes the two names* working on your orders right now.


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2007, 06:28:47 am »
Please, send me a letter to 242 Prantz, Haft Lake district telling me how many platinum ingots thou hath. I am interested in buying such.

--Godim Harjumaa


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2007, 05:40:02 pm »
Sir, I would like to purchase a little of your sapphire ore if you still have it in stock.  Look for a cleric in a white robe and green cloak, usually to be found in Port Hempstead or near the crypts in Vehl.
 Mirrim Cade


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 05:13:10 pm »
I'll purchase the Lesser Mage's Armour

- Timulty Keel


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2007, 06:54:38 am »
*scipted in an untidy manner and pinned at the bottom of the board*

il's takes somes ofs those's Elderberries juices maybes twenties fives of thems please's , justs lets mes knows whens theres readies

Jack Honeysdale


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2007, 07:39:09 am »
due to overwhelming demand, i have raised the price for juices to thirty a bottle. sorry for the inconvenience


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 12:42:27 pm »
ums mes stills wants thems please



Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2007, 12:21:15 am »
Will you take an order for a half box of rye?

-Stygian Achnuman


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2007, 10:42:45 am »
*tacks a small note below stygian's*
 i can arrange that, but are you sure you dont want a whole box?


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2007, 06:13:35 pm »
*Scrawls below last response*

You have convinced me. A full box is acceptable...

-Stygian Achnuman


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2007, 05:45:20 pm »
i regret to inform everyone taht after the current orders are filled, i will no longer be offering juices. they simply arent worth the time and effort involved in acquiring them.
 also, ive got a few new items in stock.


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2007, 03:18:33 am »
How much sapphire ore doth thou have? I would be interested in a lot.

--Godim Harjumaa


Re: Tad's potions & junk
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2007, 08:26:58 am »

I would like to buy a hickory pipe, two if you that many available, also I would like to try a sampler pack as well.  You can usually find me around Hempstead, if not leave a message for me with the innkeeper at the scamps mug.


Lareth Vathach.