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Author Topic: armors, potions, weapons.  (Read 196 times)


armors, potions, weapons.
« on: February 20, 2008, 09:26:50 pm »
seeing this is the place to sell things Balazar is offering the following items for sale.

A prized whip won on a roll,found in the deepest bowels of Arindors Demise journied with Quantum himself. Aquire this piece of history that was removed from the Liche's chest.

If you cant weild it surely its worth the stories you could tell by owning it alone!
I ask 24000 true
has potent fire damage and possesing the same magical properties as adamantium

//whip +2 lvl req.24 on hit flame dmg lvl. 10

A fine bastard sword that I cant use but thought it a shame to fall into the hands of some brigand who might have killed some innocent folk had I tossed it in the weeds.
I ask 3000 true

//+1 lvl. req.5

heres a fine Set of a most trusted platinum half plate worn by me on many ocassions into redlight caves, storans crypt, hlint crypts, haven mines, and Dregar giant killin.
It has achieved a paladins glow as well radiating into the darkest reaches ofthose dungeons.
//base AC7 +2 light bright 20m  lvl.req.10

and heres some fine potions Ive collected off some foul villians along the way

10 potions of fox cunning 4000 true
5 potions of barkskin 1500 true
5 potions of owls wisdom 2000 true
6 potions of bulls strength 3000 true

well folks thanks for taking the time to consider what I have to offer! have a blessed day.
There can be only One.