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Author Topic: Oaks for Sales  (Read 37 times)


Oaks for Sales
« on: February 15, 2007, 09:46:37 am »
Zug wurk with oak woods veree good.  Can makes most anythings from oak.  Yous needs oak bow, weapun, or sheeld, yous ask Zug.

Manee oak thing in stock:

Shortbow, 1750 trues
Longbow, 2250 trues
Lite Crossbow, 1750 trues
Heavee Crossbow, 2250 trues

Small Sheeld, 2500 trues
Large Sheeld, 3500 trues
Towur Sheeld, 5000 trues

Othur things Zug make to ordur.  Yous save half trues if yous colleckt raw goods for makings.

Zug also take sum raw goods in trade if yous no wants pays in trues.  Zug veree much want iruns, coals, platnums, spottud mushroums, gemses (most type, Zug prefur raw stones).

