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Author Topic: Wanted: copper and holy water  (Read 56 times)


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    Wanted: copper and holy water
    « on: June 23, 2005, 10:28:00 pm »
    *a muddy note is pinned to the wall of the crafting hall in Hlint*

    Wanted: Copper and Holy Water

    Are you seeking to learn skills in smelting or enchanting?  If so, I would employ your services.  I seek quantities of Copper Ingots and Holy Water.  I am prepared to pay 10 gold for each ingot of copper and vial of holy water until further notice.  If you have quantities of these for sale please leave a note here, or send a pixie to find the badger that uses the craft hall.




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    RE: Wanted: copper and holy water
    « Reply #1 on: June 23, 2005, 11:22:00 pm »
    I can supply you as many holy waters as you need.  I have around 20 on me right now, and more would be very simple to make.  Contact me and I will be happy to sell them to you.


    // send me a PM with a time to get on and your time zone


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      RE: Wanted: copper and holy water
      « Reply #2 on: June 24, 2005, 01:27:00 pm »
      Aye, I can do both at your leisure...

