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Author Topic: Auction for: Glorious Mantle  (Read 127 times)


Auction for: Glorious Mantle
« on: February 13, 2007, 07:34:29 am »
I am putting this grand  cloak for auction, it consists of Wolf, Fox and Bear pelts sown together with deliberate care. Apparently there is some form of the Weave used in the making process, as this cloak offers protection against the following elements, Cold and Fire, and some sort of a save versus fear causing effects. Also, not least worthy, it draws respect from animals, and they might not be so gracious in their blows and bites against you, should that happen for some reason. This cloak should prove to be an excellent companion to those who wish to hunt tha predatory game.
  The starting bid I recommend is to be 10000 Trues, and incremental bids of 1000 or higher will be noted. ((Lens price: 26780 Gold))
  Auction ends next Threas, when the  night is full. ((Thursday 15th,  24:00  GMT))  
  ((Cloak, Weight 3.0lbs, Armor Bonus vs. Animal +3 (Deflection Modifier), Improved saving throws vs.: Cold (+2), Fire (+2), and Fear (+3) ))
  --Godim Harjumaa

