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Author Topic: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire  (Read 262 times)


*Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« on: August 10, 2005, 04:43:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet a half giant walks up to not board And pulls out a big sign, painted in black and red ink and pins it to the bord.It in a fine elf hand  Spugly Fuglet Personal Body Guard for hire   *ME SMASH GOOD*

  Strong Giant fighter offers service as a personal body Guard. Good with 8 foot sword and able to protect clients from the riggers of modern living.  Don’t take the risks of the long trip alone take Spugly Sick and tiered of being pushed around by Orc’s and other "big fokes" then hire Spugly to do some pushing back. Need that odd item from the mines then take Spugly, he'll clear a path.  Rates as follows 200 gold coins per day + *expenses  Will also work for other forms of payment ** to be negotiated. (Special rates for new customers and thaws new to town)[/COLOR]   Teams and conductions apply 1: hire as a Personal Body Guard only! no groups 2: 1 Day payments made in advance 3: ** before start of contact 4: *expenses means travel cost and healing used on client 5: Death throw your own stupidities is not guarded agenised  6: Will do utmost to keep client safe from harm baring plainly suicidal demands

Contact Spugly Fuglet in town or put name below.  Thank you for your time   //(I l also hope to be working out of Kloggers Shoppy once he has it up and running.) im playing GMT nights and week ends//


RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 01:00:00 pm »
I may need your services Spugly.  How do you feel about being a bouncer?


RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
*Spugly has to go home to see mummy for a week or two but once back I will work as bouncer*

//Ive got a job on for a week or three so will not be around but once back will email TTFN


RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
Spuglly Back in town and for hire

//I now have the game on my laptop so woppy can play away from home


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    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #4 on: August 15, 2005, 05:21:00 pm »
    Do you freelance?  (I play GMT 6PM-10PM, weekdays)


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #5 on: August 19, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
    I do
    // I play GMT as well 8pm till late some nights


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #6 on: August 19, 2005, 01:33:00 pm »
    *a note hangs beside Spuglets announce, written with an elagant hand.* Heh heh good one Spuglet, to people who sees this, I can garuntee that SpugLet would be a good mercany, he trule "smash good" and can really be trusted, mayby I should hire you SpugLet?!


    - Zan


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #7 on: August 26, 2005, 04:23:00 am »
    *note reads*
    Spugly not work tonight (26th of Augra)as Body Gaurd but as bouncer at nice pub Leilon Arms (121 Leilon)
    sorry cusimers but happy to see you at pub. Drink very good and music toos.

    But be good in bar or me will have to crack ya head which me not wont to do.
    As for the Dwarf last week who made da mess in da bogs,
    dare are buckets around da bar if ya had to much to drink
    use em.

    Cuz last wek I has to clean up ya mess.

    Spugly Fuglet


    « Reply #8 on: August 29, 2005, 05:54:00 am »
    To Whom it may concern,
      SpuglLe is an excellent bodyguard.  He is intelligent and courteous, and follows orders well.  He is also a fierce fighter.
      He accompanied me on a trip to the High Forest.  When I was threatened by a treant, he stepped in between me and the monster.  Then he singlehandedly slew the beast.
      I highly recommend him to any single adventurer.
      Ayla Bineau
      cleric of Aeridin and bard


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 05:51:00 am »
    *Note is added to Spuglys main note*
    To Nice man how gave Sugly stuff to look after
    Me still has your crafint and hat if you needs please contact Spugly by

    Also Thank you nice dwafe who gave spugly shild for work it very good one
    and me will pay you the coins me ows you as soon as me has coins.

    Spugly Fuglet
    Body Guard


    *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #10 on: September 08, 2005, 02:58:00 am »
    *amenmut to Spugly ever present Add*
    With da bad men on de roads you mays need a Personal Bodys Guard for thes day.
    Me is free to works for yous when me in town come ups an ask us if yous
    need Spugly for da day. Me keeps you safe from Bloody bad mens.

    Spugly Fuglet


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    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #11 on: September 08, 2005, 03:24:00 am »
    I must say, Spug here is a very good body guard, he knows how to follow strategies and will mine and chop wood for you.
      I reccomend him to everyone!
      Taislin Woolhands, halfling wizard


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    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #12 on: September 13, 2005, 09:19:00 am »
    I've been looking for you Spug, I'm needing your services


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #13 on: September 14, 2005, 02:58:00 am »
    *A note is added*
    Sorry me not around last night me Helps Ayla and de others who has been magics into orcs
    Me around soon once me helps dem.



    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #14 on: September 22, 2005, 12:18:00 am »
    Pined over note
    "Spugly going to see his mum in da hills
    be gone some time sorrys to custmers will be backs soon"

    Spugly Fuglet


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #15 on: October 11, 2005, 05:11:00 am »
    Me back but have gone into woods to find my self an elf said it would be good form me to dos this
    is it would be life afummings ? so me knows me out der some where so me going walk abouts


    RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
    « Reply #16 on: October 31, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
    Me comming is Home have sent this note 1st
    //lost net work at home willhave back soon sorry to my reglears//

    Spugley fuglet