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Author Topic: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and others help.  (Read 292 times)


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    *Written on plain parchment with a neat and careful hand. The main text is written twice, first in Common, and second in Halfling.*

    “Dear Friends,

    Things have been trying lately, and I notice there are many folk who are down. The lack of food, the troubles of plague, the ever constant threat of war has made many pessimistic, died the candle light of what we believed we could do as a people down some.

    As a great and wise man once said, the biggest down fall of any time is when it has no heroes. And thats what I want to change.

    I want people to see and remember that there are heroes all about them. That when we work together to do something, nothing can stop us. I want the Bards to have new tales of heroics to tell. I want the common people to have reason to be proud, and hopeful again.

    And thats why some friends and myself are proposing the following, to do what so many tell us is impossible, to defeat the Gloom of the Silent Watch Mountains.

    Canius Hearthgard, Guddwick Muggins, and myself have researched, laid out, and formulated a plan we feel can achieve what common convention has told many is impossible. We have been to his cave, studied the Gloom up close, seen him in battle with our own eyes. And we feel that our plan can work.

    However like any plan it is only as good as the individuals executing it. Which to do this we will need many of to even try it. Like most strategies, some people have more critical roles then others.

    The people who will be most important for the first phase of this plan are miners and tinkers, your skills will be invaluable to us. As we'll need much metal, and skill in working it.

    We will also need many clerics and paladins through out all the phases of the plan, right down to the final execution of it.

    What we need most for the final phase are rogues with specific skills though. I'm sorry I can not offer more details here. But yes, the people doing this task I will tell you now will be going the most in harms way, myself included.

    Finally though, we'll need a lot of help, across a wide range of skill sets to pull this off. So I hope some of you will wish to help us by donating your skills and time to help us prepare for this. And be there through out to offer your support, and encouragement.

    So please, leave a response here, or contact one of the three of us. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    -Signed, Uilliam SeeksPeace.

    P.S., By they way, we might all also get rich if this works. In case that sort of thing matters to you.”


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    Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
    « Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 03:34:30 am »
    Crazy, I like it.
    J'ser Arcanebow, A rouge for your quest.
    Unfortuanatly, a medusa also inhabits the cave. It can see through even my shadows when I tried to sneak by it. I hope you have factored it into your plans.


    Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
    « Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 04:11:10 am »
    Acacea furrows her brow as she reads the notice, her expression varying between understanding of the motivation and concern. She pulls out her quill made from a griffon feather and pats herself down for ink, which Triba produces from Acacea's pack after a roll of her eyes. The more colorful of the two scribbles a reply, poking the tip of her tongue from her mouth as its scrawled on a slightly crumpled piece of paper, while Triba stoically watches the Common script being mangled with bad handwriting. Once it's done, she starts to post it but is stopped with a mutter from Tribs, who takes it from her and copies it in a neat and legible print before adding it underneath the notice.

    I hope that also this group will be prepared for the other glooms and shadows of the Silent Watch on the way to this cave, for it is many and not only one that wanders them. For the clerics and paladins you call to, they also should understand that here the Weave has been torn or twisted, and when they reach for it they will not find what they expect.

    It is a horrible thing and cries out to be fixed, of course, but this remnant of a Rift to Shadows leaves the place dangerous for those that linger too long, and not just because of the creatures inhabiting it. So if you go, the excuse of ignorance at least serves no longer...


    Acacea squints an eye as Triba straightens it on the wall. "It was fine before... I don't see the difference really! I hope they don't think I'm doing the "oh it's impossible" thing, as I'm sure they could tackle a gloom if they wanted...but didn't it sound as if it was the only one in the Watch?"

    "Yeah well Windy, you know sometimes people only notice what they can take on... Better warned now than mounting a rescue into Weave Dice Central later!"

    She sticks her tongue out at Triba on the way out. "Yeah well, you know I'm all for things to do and heroes stepping up, and by the Lady's blue panties I could use some new stories to tell! So long as they know what the place is..."


    RE: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
    « Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 05:03:20 am »
    Zug will trys helps.  Yous lets Zug know whats you needs Zug do, Zug tell yous if Zug cans do it.


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    Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
    « Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 07:01:55 am »
    Didn't you people learn from Hurm?  You're entering a powerful monster's own lair to assault it on its own terms?  Does this not scream "stupid" to anyone else?  *at least* draw it out first!

    *Kire takes a few moments writing, then doesn't bother to sign the couple of lines he left*


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    Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
    « Reply #5 on: November 21, 2006, 07:04:32 am »
    Should you require my assistance, though I do not believe you fully understand the magnitude of this undertaking, consider it freely offered if you can reach me at the appropriate time.

    Yardislan Echron

    gilshem ironstone

    Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
    « Reply #6 on: November 21, 2006, 09:44:22 am »
    I have seen this creature, or maybe creatures, face to face and I would be honoured to help in this undertaking.  I have skill as an archer, bard, tinker, smelter and alchemist, among many other things.  Please contact me by bird, or in Hlint to let me know what you need.

    Hopeful Regards, Gel'larian Windsbreath


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      Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
      « Reply #7 on: November 21, 2006, 10:05:28 am »
      *Looking over the replies so far, before he goes to pen one of his own.*

      I appreciate the advice and information offered. So to answer a few questions.

      Yes, we are aware of the Medusa, and know she can see most anything. The plan does take that into account.

      So far in our scouting, and observations, there has only ever been one Gloom there. This is one of the parts of the plan we have been working on. As we have been trying to make a set of contingency parts to it to deal with the appearence of another or multiple Glooms.

      And for the Nay Sayer, uhm. Before you go tossing words like 'stupid' out. Can I ask ya someting? I don't remember inviting ya to any planning sessions, so what do you know about anything of what we'll be doing? We are risking a lot, which is why we are planning to begin with. Thats why were organizing, gathering information, thinking and preparing, meeting and a practicing. Unless ya got someting constructive to offer, please just ignore us then. We are all adults, we know theres risk. And we don't need anyone playing the voice of "reason." Especially when they offer criticism, but not their name.

      Now, a bit of bad news. It turns out that one of the things we were looking into has gone a bit south. In the area the magics don't work right, and produce strange effects. One of them was precious gems appearing in our pockets.But it now turns out that these gems are flawed in that they can only be used for dust. So it goes without saying that the monotary rewards of this endevour are a bit less then innitally thought.

      Now da good news. We tested the main crux of da plan, and low and behold it worked like a charm. So we now are just working out some finer details, and seeing where we have to adapt it to meet the main goal, bringing down a Gloom.

      So as before, if your interested in helping, seek me, Guddwick, or Canius out, or leave a message here. We hope to have a meeting soon where we can all get together and go over the plan in detail soon. And thanks.

      Signed, Uilliam SeeksPeace.


      Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
      « Reply #8 on: November 21, 2006, 10:19:07 am »
      Bil be happy to help yes he be...Bil happy to weild mighty goblin magic against dead walkers yes he is.


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        Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
        « Reply #9 on: November 21, 2006, 11:48:06 am »
        *Pulls out a feather, along with a ink bottle and begains to write in the common tongue*
        I Gabreil Feuer of the forest, will lend you the aid of my spells along with animals.


        RE: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
        « Reply #10 on: November 21, 2006, 05:00:43 pm »
        *Connor notices the postings after a brief meal at the Wild Surge while passing through on his way from Spellgard.  He gives them all a glance as he usually does, but stops at some familiar handwriting.  A small grin appears seeing who "wrote" one particular note, but it is quickly broken as he finishes the note and follows the trail back to the original. Scanning the related messages, his flat expression deepens into a frown and a slight shake of his head.  He stands there a moment more, sets his jaw and takes a seat at a nearby table.  From his pack, he fishes out a sheet of plain parchment, a small inkwell and a quill. After another moment in thought, he begins to write.  The writing is rushed and emphasized for visibility in a deep blue ink with a small hint of iridescence.*
          Yet another well-meaning and misguided excursion to go take care of that which is not understood.  You would do well to heed the warnings of the "nay-sayers", for there are lessons there to learn. There seems to be a lack of important knowledge and wisdom in this pursuit, as is evidenced by those who have called it a cave...for it is most assuredly not a cave. And quite frankly, it is ignorant to dismiss advice because the giver was not invited to your "planning sessions".  You would be wise to learn the nature of this place before venturing forth. Indeed, it is a place that is darker than any cave, a blackness deeper than even the Underdark and that which lies below it.
          The Weave there churns in harsh twists, reacts without pattern or purpose to all attempts to call upon it.  This holds true whether your magic be bourne of study, of inate ability or of divine grace. The Gloom...the Medusa...they are but pets...insignificant challenges in a realm that defies normal sense. The Silent Watch and Far Reach were not always as they are.  In my own memory they were different, and some have even tried to "fix" them without knowing truthfully what they were fixing...or why things became as they now are.
          So...friends...charge forward at your own risk.  Seek to defeat this Gloom through planning and strategy. You can plan all you wish, learn every nuance and weakness of the Glooms and practice your tactics until you can perform them in slumber...and still you will fail, for far more dire things lurk in dark places. Pray that is the worst you face, pray that another does not appear when one falls, pray that you do not slip through the thin boundaries that exist there between our realm and that of Shadow, and pray that your very souls are not the price to purchase your return. All your preparations, all your numbers, all your might you would bring to bear are for naught should you go in as you are now.
          You speak of heroes. True heroes do not go forth to show the world they are heroes; they become heroes by doing what needs to be done.  Those who faced down and defeated Sinthar Bloodstone did not rely simply on tactics and numbers.  They toiled for decades to learn and understand their enemy and along the way became armed with the knowledge and means to accomplish their goals.  Know your purpose and know what it is you face, or instead of being heroes, you will be little more than a footnote among the less-than-noteworthy deeds that fill the history of this world.
          Go if you will.  Heed my advice or discard it.  The choice is yours, but at least now, you are warned.
          Respectfully, Connor
          *He tacks up his note then rearranges the others such that the original, the one from Chimes and his own are in a horizontal row, setting the second to be slightly askew with a mischievous grin.  Satisfied, he pulls up his hood, slings his pack over one shoulder and a staff over the other before heading out into the cool, misty evening.*

        gilshem ironstone

        Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
        « Reply #11 on: November 21, 2006, 10:26:50 pm »
        *Gel'larian looking pale and gaunt strolld in to the inn to find a room.  He looks over the posts and reads Connor's lengthly note and ponders it for a couple of minutes then mumbles to himself*  Why would he not want us to eliminate this terror of which I could never even have dreamed?  Perhaps he knows more than I, but I must learn somehow.  *he shakes hsi head as if the thoughts racing through must be settled and put to rest for later.  Gel'larian strolls up to the juke box, puts in a coin and plays a haunting tune.*


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          Re: A call for Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, Miners, Tinkers, and o
          « Reply #12 on: November 22, 2006, 02:40:42 am »
          *In a quite upset, and bitter state of mind. Uilliam comes back to Hlint, walks into the Inn, and goes to have a seat. Sitting there for a while, literally fuming on the inside, he then goes to borrow a local bards writing tools and a parchment of paper.*

          “Dear Friends, and those whom have offered help,

          I'm sorry to say that there is not going to be any attempt to carry out the plan. After receiving some 'resistance' on the matter of which I can not comment further, I feel that it is best to leave it alone. I'm sorry, and most sincerely thank you for your support for the idea.

          Signed, Uilliam SeeksPeace.”

          *With that he leaves the inn and goes to pack his things, having made the decision to leave Hlint.*

