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Author Topic: Dropped off  (Read 2421 times)


Dropped off
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:46:49 pm »
mister Gormygard,

i wuz in't shop tuther day luuking fer more stuff ter buy flower and I fund yer cheest wit ales in. I've gone and takn a few loike but i cud ner read the note yerd pinned ter it.  Is ale in't it free loike?

anyway i aint a scrounger so I left 4 leather armours me ma had been sewiing inter the nights recently as trade. If thes worth more than't the ale is worth then can miste feh do me some nice little arras?

written fer Grindola  ( some fat smelly wench but I think that's her name. gawd is her accent terrible)

by Smiley the part time bar keep


Re: Dropped off
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 10:17:06 am »
*Görmungard tells Smiley the Barkeep by a letter that should Grendola come back inquiring on this matter, that the ale and food in the Shop's Sales Room indeed is free, but people are encouraged to leave some for the others as well.
He also implies gratitude on the leather armors, yet says in the letter that they are not really needed as payment*


Re: Dropped off
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 01:42:52 am »
*A note arrives to Grendola denoting that she owes 560T to the Cailomel's, and that her leather armors are still waiting to be retrieved back.*

