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Author Topic: A cryptic map is found once more  (Read 198 times)


A cryptic map is found once more
« on: October 13, 2006, 02:27:40 pm »
Ifion, wearing the symbol of Aragen around his neck, walking wearily into the Wild Surge. Though his nearly seventy years marked him middle aged for a half-elf, the graying of his hair suggested those years had been harsh. Perhaps his travels included voyages to the Soul Mother all too frequently?  He sat down in his usual chair and, unrequested, Doria brought him an apple juice. He tried to take the drink at the same time as he reached for the book he always carried at his side. The tome fell to the ground and a few parchments slid out. Waving away Doria's apologies, he gathered up the papers. "Huummm, what have we here?" he asked himself, looking at the paper which had fallen nearest him. A map of some sort. Oh yes, I remember it now."  Several years before, as Ifion was compiling his own map of Mistone, he had purchased some maps from a shop in Hampshire. Most had proven helpful in his effort, but this particular document had puzzled the bard-turned-priest. On one side was a crude map. On the other, a riddle of some sort. He had tucked it away, intending to decipher it later that week but had misplaced the odd writing. Until now.  Ifion looked at both sides of the sheet again and smiled. Though the years had ravaged his body, they had honed his mind, and the meaning of the riddle seemed clear. A final glance at the map confirmed his hunch.  "I should run out there and see what's at map's end," he thought. "After all these years, it could be nothing. But on the other hand, it could be something wonderful. And on the other hand..." He searched fruitlessly for a third hand, but finding none, continued. "On my left foot, it could be something quite dangerous."  He idly fingered his holy symbol. The pen and quill of Aragen always reminded him to use wisdom. And any kind of jewelry forced him to recall a promise made to a certain jeweler of his acquaintance.  "Baah. Baah, and triple Baah," he muttered as he abandoned the thought to follow the map. He looked around the Wild Surge, glancing over the other patrons. Then a gleeful grin appeared on his face. "I'm in Hlint," he more laughed than spoke.  The old scribe's hand quickly wrote out a notice, which he then placed on the message board. He returned to his seat, uncorked the juice bottle, and took a satisfied swig. "Surely this is the will of Aragen" he mused "but just in case..." He slid his holy symbol inside his robe and sat back, waiting.     [yellow]Treasure Seekers Wanted[/yellow]  Heed the call of adventure! Ifion Witseeker, local bard, is hiring those of quick mind and sound body to assist him in locating some lost items. The first group of adventures to return to him with the items shall be handsomely rewarded with healing draughts, fine jewelry, and of course, a minimum of 3000 True. See Ifion in the Wild Surge for more details.


RE: A cryptic map is found once more
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 02:41:29 pm »
// OOC This is the announcement to go with this calendar event.  Of Bards and maps About 2-3 hours, depending on how good you are 7pm PDT, 10pm EDT Thursday Night, 02:00 GMT Friday morning  This is a player run puzzle solving race event. I am looking for teams of 3 characters, no more than 3 and no less than 3. Each member of a three person team must be 13th level or lower. The team's total levels must sum to no more than 25 total levels. Examples: levels 13+7+5 = OK 12+12+1 = OK 5+5+5 = OK (but good luck) 10+10+10 = No, more than 25 levels 14+6+4 = No, 14th level is too high  The OOC level limits are to make sure the teams are somewhat fair and to ensure that lower level characters get a chance to participate.  I will accept a max of 5 3 person teams. This is a hard limit, as I have to set things up in advance. This entire event will take place on West server. There will be significant puzzle/riddle solving. There may be some combat, depending on how you choose to get to different places. Sometimes battle may be the fastest route.  I will make another post with some of the mechanics once I iron them out.  Get your teams together and your racing boots laced up.


A cryptic map gets new rules
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 05:04:23 pm »
// OOC
Based on a number of factors, I've changed how this is going to be run. I'd edit the preceeding post, but I don't seem able to do that. So here is the new information:

7pm PDT, 10pm EDT Thursday Night, 02:00 GMT Friday morning Start Time

At this time, or any time after it up until I've given away all my copies of the map, groups of 3 or more people can approach Ifion inquiring about his posting in the Wild Surge. There are no limits on the party, either in max size (though min is 3) or levels. Ifion will be logged in from the start time until about 3 hours later, occasionally other days/times after that. I'll make an effort to be around on Saturday to catch weekend gamers and other time zones.

Note, however, that the prize goes to the first group to successfully complete the mission and bring Ifion the proof. Obviously, starting earlier gives you an advantage. The prize is:
3000 True
A Ring of Eagle's Splendor OR a Ring of Divinity I
5 Assorted Stardusts (you pick from my limited selection)

The riddles aren't that hard. But just in case:
Feel free to ask anyone in game in character. (I suspect that Ozy could complete the whole thing in less than 30 minutes.) If that doesn't work, you can send me a PM or tell including the exact line you are "studying" and your lore, int, and wisdom modifiers. I will roll the check. If you beat the DC, you'll get a hint. If you fail, the hint will be weak or even misleading. If you are really, really stuck, then talk to Ifion in person, in character and he will try to figure it out (make the rolls himself). He'll roll just like you did (but with his modifiers) and pass on the clue, just as if you had done it. This, of course, requires that he be logged in and that you be in the same spot he is (usually Hlint).

Please try to limit meta-knowledge. Some old time players or people on the writing team could solve the riddles in less than 30 seconds.

Let me know if this sounds fair or fun. I'm just trying to create an excuse for characters to get together, travel around, use oft-neglected skills, and have fun. If you can think of a better way, let me know. That's why I'm posting this so far in advance. Once the start time arrives, the rules will be locked down. Until then, I'm willing to consider anything. The dev team has given players some really nice tools to run these kinds of things. Now we just need to decide how to use them. In the future, anything like this I run will be much smaller scale, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on both the worth and legality of this kind of player event. Feel free to post in this thread IC or OOC.



Talan Va'lash

Re: A cryptic map is found once more
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 08:39:00 pm »
This is neat and well thought out, I hope you are getting a response from people about it :)


Re: A cryptic map is found once more
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2006, 06:13:08 pm »
As an OOC note, this thing's great, and I've been trying to throw a team together since I read about it.


A cryptic map gets handed out -- tonight
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2006, 01:09:14 pm »
// After some adjustments, this is going to happen tonight. This is how it will work. To each group that approaches me (or that I push this thing on), I will hand out 4 maps and one note. The note will contain a riddle, which, if solved, will indicate an area in the module. Go there, then use map number one to find the first chest. That chest contains another riddle. Go there and use map number 2 to find the second chest. And so forth. If you get the maps out of order, just try them all.

When you use a map in the wrong area, it will tell you that the landmarks don't seem to match the map. If used in the right area, it will tell you how far and in which direction you need to go. When you get to the spot and use the map, a chest will appear. I believe you need a shovel to dig up the chests, so make sure you have one before you set out. You get one chance to get everything out of the chest. Once the chest closes, it is gone forever, empty or not. Some chests contain the riddle scroll and ... other clues.

The first team to return to me in person or send me a PM or tell stating they have the final item will get the prize outlined in the earlier rules post. It's not a huge prize, but it does represent about half of my unequipped wealth. The victory message must contain what the item(s) is/are and why I would be interested in paying for them.

After some testing, I made the puzzles much harder. And some are in dangerous areas. Balance your party wisely, considering the lore as well as the firepower. Or just get Ozy.

Good luck, and see you soon.


RE: A cryptic map gets followed to the end
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2006, 09:37:52 am »
// I'll post the final write-up of this a little later today. A team did figure everything out and return with the final item. But just for fun, here are the 4 puzzles. The answers I'll post about 5 hours from now with the rest. How many would your character have known?

Puzzle I
Under the dog earred tower
Deep in the cave below
Lie beasts with weapons four
Then four more for to kill their foe

Puzzle II
Into a face outside the Gem
Snowy winds issuing a warning high and shrill
Are placed the bodies of mountain dwarves
Whose brave hearts have grown still

Puzzle III
Watchfires burning in the icy black of night
Half illuminate even darker birds
And cast long shadows when their flickering light falls on Axes

Puzzle IV
All the world of Layonara
Saw its fate and its luck played out
Under a scorpion moon



RE: A cryptic map leads to a cryptic book
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2006, 12:24:47 pm »
Ifion sat outside the bank in Hlint biting his nails. It had been over a day since he had dispatched some adventurers to follow the puzzle and map he had bought so long ago. Knowing that two different groups were on the trail brought him some comfort. Surely one would succeed even if the other failed?

He looked up to spot Brielle Shepherd rushing through the Goblin Gates, Hlint's western entrance. As she was one who had accepted the task of following the map, he was quite interested in what she had to say. Remiel Delmir followed a few strides behind.

"We found it," Brielle shouted, beaming. She pulled an old leatherbound book from her pack and handed it to him. Examining the tome, Ifion spotted the quill and parchment symbol of Aragen embossed into the cover. "Do you know the meaning of this book?" he inquired.

"Not really. I didn't want to try to break the magic seal on it," the young bardess replied.

"It's sealed?" Ifion tried to open the book, only to feel the magic tighten around the cover as he tried to open it. The priest smiled, then recited an incantation to Aragen. It was a variation on a wizard's spell for opening locked doors, but with modifications so as to allow access to Aragenite holy items. All priests of Aragen learned it early in their training but kept it secret. He tried again, this time more confidently, to open the cover, but the same magic held the volume bound tightly. "Humm, that's odd, " he muttered. "Where did you find this?"

"On Rilara, near Bone Hill," offered Remiel. Ifion raised a brow. The meaning of the statues there had been   a subject of interest to many priests at the temple in Casterly Castle.

"Where else did you have to go to find this sacred book?" ask Ifion, trying to ascertain to whom the book might belong. He learned that the first riddle had led to the Swordrusts, into the cave known as the Dungeon of the Eye. Next, the group had gone to the crypts of the village of Shoufal, high in the Berhagens. Their journey continued to Krashin and Raven's Watch, home to the Long Axe clan. And finally, to Rilara, whose banner bears a scorpion and moon.

Ifion gave an occassional nod during the story's telling, absorbing each detail. "Well, your payment then, I suppose, is all that is left to conclude your trip. Let me step into the bank and retrieve it." He entered the bank, then returned to the party, handing over 3000 True and his old ring of Eagle's Splendor he had worn before retiring from barding. Though the price was high, he considered it a bargin in exchange for an Aragenite's notebook.

Ifion wanted to rush the book to Casterly Castle, but felt duty bound to find first the other adventures he had sent out. He had a personal interest in not exposing this group, or a particular member thereof, to unnecessary danger.

"To the Berhagens for me, I suppose," he muttered, reverently placing the book into his backpack.

/// Thanks to everyone who participated. My apologies for starting late. I had to redo everything once I understood how the maps work. As I was rushing around trying to do that, I died, which really slowed things down.

We had about 7 people involved at the peak. Ozy was on hand and correctly advised some people, even with no OOC knowledge of the answers. As he pointed out, "They should have just asked me." Pyyran gets the prize for paying the highest price for guessing wrong about a clue. His body was blown all over the Berhagens by a trap. As Tyrian said, "Next time, I get to hold the maps."

At least it was something different. Thanks again.

