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Author Topic: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle  (Read 189 times)

Guardian 452

Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« on: January 23, 2006, 07:17:11 pm »
[big]Wolfswood Ranger Corps FUNDRAISER [/big]

Friends of the wood, I am pleased to announce that I, Enzo Reynolt am holding another raffle soon, this time to raise funds for the Wolfswood Ranger Corps. Blood is on our doorstep and I am trying to raise funds to better equip my men.

[big]100% of the funds raised from this raffle go directly to the Wolfswood Ranger Corps itself. [/big]

((Enzo doesnt make a dime off this raffle, if fact it will cost him quite a bit of coin by the time its all said and done))[/big][/b][/red]

[big]100 chances will be sold. Any one person can buy up to 5 chances.

Each chance will cost 2,000 coins. [/big]

Here are just a few of the featured items that will be raffled (a complete list of prizes will be posted once I have collected all the pledged donated items)

[big]Hickory Shortbow of the Hunter– Made by Enzo Reynolt

Oak Shortbow of the Hunter - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Oak Longbow of the Hunter - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Mahogany Longbow of the Hunter - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Yew Longbow w/ Mighty 1 – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Yew Shortbow w/ Mighty 1 – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Yew Heavy Crossbow w/ Mighty 1 – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Yew Light Crossbow w/ Mighty 1 – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Bow of Close Range – Donated by Aralin Harenya

Exceptional Archers Edge Belt - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Exceptional Tiger Belt - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Exceptional Panther Cloak - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Exceptional Cougar Boots – Donated by Katrien

Cloak of the Wilderness ((Rare item maybe 1 of a kind?)) – Donated by Enzo Reynolt

Cape of the North – Donated by Aralin Harenya

Shoes of the Swift – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Iron Rapier (d6 Elec) – Donated by Enzo Reynolt

Iron Dwarven War Axe (d8 Cold) - Donated by Enzo Reynolt

A set of Divine Rings (1 each Divine 1, 2 & 3) – Donated by Aralin Harenya

Dex +2 Ring

Plus many more items !!!!! [/b]

[big]**** I am still accepting donated items as well. If you wish to donate something please contact me as soon as possible so that I can get your item(s) added to the list **** [/big]

When all donations are in if I am not already at 100 items I will be adding enough items so that each and every number drawn wins something!!!

[big]I am not yet taking ticket orders… I will announce when tickets are for sale here.[/big]

Enzo Reynolt

Commander of the Wood [/b]

Guardian 452

RE: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2006, 10:06:23 pm »

[big]*Added below the original poster* [/big]

[big]Tickets will cost 3,000 coin each not 2,000 each as mentioned earlier.  100 tickets will be available and any one person can still purchase up to 5.  [/big] [small] I am still not ready to take ticket orders, I shall anounce when tickets are for sale.[/small]

Here are a few more featured items that will be in this raffle

Hood of Shadows - Donated by Katrien

Ring of Protection +1 - Donated by Ireth

Set of Topaz/Silver Jewlry (2 rings and a necklace) - Donated by Katrien

Set of Divine Rings (one each Divine I, II & III) - Donated by Aralin

Leather of the Ogre - Donated by Katrien

Adamantium Longsword - Made for Enzo by Synal'dur

5 Ingots of Adamantium

Mahogany Smoking Pipe and a Case full of assorted Pipe Weed

340+ Bolts of assorted tips, shafts and tails... most Mahogany shafted.


I am still seeking more rare and unique items to round out this raffle.....perhaps a few nicer scribbed scrolls.

Please contact me if you wish to donate.

Enzo Reynolt

Commander of the Wood



Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 05:03:51 pm »
any idea when you will start selling tickets?



Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2006, 08:54:47 pm »
*a note posted below*

A good way to speed up the sale of tickets and the raffle in general would be to consider donating any rare or valuable objects which you may have stored. I am sure Enzo will announce ticket sales as soon as he has recieved sufficient donations.

-Aralin Harenya


Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2006, 09:27:58 pm »

Guardian 452

Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2006, 10:39:28 pm »
// I have a good 75 or so items collected... and a few pledged but not yet deleivered... and some people who havnt responded that I hope do.... once I hit 100 items, tickets will be announced for sale. It may be a week or so yet... hang in there.


Guardian 452

Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2006, 04:11:19 pm »
// 94 Items and I still have some pledged and not donated. So were gettin' there !


Guardian 452

Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2006, 04:22:13 pm »
// OK basically I have 100 Items they just are not all finalised and given to Enzo.

Stay tuned for a new thread here or in the General Discussion Section (so I can edit things after 30 minutes).

I will announce soon when tickets are for sale... and the price is not yet set in stone.... due to the value of many of the donated items I may be raising the ticket price more yet. Even if I do... nearly every item given away will sell for more than the ticket purchase price, most are worth far more than the ticket costs.




Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2006, 02:50:37 pm »
*kloss walks in to the inn and reads the note posted*

Hmmm , I have a selection of mahogany bows , some nice mahogany pipes and a selection of mahogany arrows I would like to donate , thats if your still collecting .

signed Kloss

Guardian 452

Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2006, 08:43:16 pm »
I have more than 100 Items donated or pledged thank you to all whom have responded!!!! (we will have some dice rolls for a few extra items so try and attend and warm up those dice)

Those of you who have items pledged and have not yet met up with me, please do so at your earliest convenience.

Please keep an eye out for tickest to go on sale soon!!! (within the next two days)

Still not taking ticket orders... not till I announce ticekts for sale.




Guardian 452

RE: W'wood Raffle - Prize List
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2006, 08:56:35 pm »
[big]Here is something to drool over untill tickets are announced for sale..... enjoy.[/big]

The red colored (x Number) Means I have that many to give away... you dont win all on one drawing.


Yew Longbow w/ Mighty 1
Yew Shortbow w/ Mighty 1
Yew Light Crossbow w/ Mighty 1
Yew Heavy Crossbow w/ Mighty 1
Mahogany Compound Longbow w/ Mighty 1
Mahogany Longbow of the Hunter
Mahogany Longbow w/ Mighty 1
Mahogany Shortbow w/ Mighty 1
Mahogany Light Crossbow w/ Mighty 1
Mahogany Heavy Crossbow w/ Mighty 1
Bow of Close Range (x2) (+1 Attack, Point Blank Shot)
Oak Compound Longbow
Oak Longbow of the Hunter
Oak Shortbow of the Hunter
Hickory Longbow of the Hunter
Hickory Shortbow of the Hunter
Malar Sling w/ Mighty 1
Gnomish Repeating Crossbow (Attack +2, Dex +1, Unlimited Ammo (basic)


Acid & Fire Robes (-10 each)
Iron Reinforced Clothing (+1 AC)
Platinum Reinforced Clothing (+1 AC, -5 Slashing)
Studded Hill Hound Leather (+1 AC, +2 AC vs Pierce, +1 CON, +3 Tumble)
Malar Panther Hide (+3 Hide, Silent, Search, Spot, Tumble, +2 AC, +3 AC vs Slashing)
Dire Tiger Leather (+2 AC, DR -5 Slash, +1 Saving Throw Fortitude)
Dire Bear Leather (+2 AC, DR +1 5 points damage soak, +3 Concentration)
Dire Bear Hide (+2 AC, DR +1 5 points damage soak, +3 Concentration, +3 AC vs Slashing)
Leather of the Ogre (-2 CHA, +2 AC, Stinking Cloud level 2 on hit)
Lesser Mage Armor (+1 AC & Lore, +2 Spellcraft)
Greater Monk Armor (+3 AC, +4 Discipline)
Greater Mage Armor (+3 AC, +3 Lore, +4 Spellcraft)

[big]MELEE WEAPONS[/big][/red]

Orcish Bane of the Elf (Spear +1 Enchant, added 2d4 Pierce vs Elves)
Fist of the Legion w/ d6 Cold (+1 Attack, On Hit Stun DC-14, 2 Rounds)
Iron Rapier w/ d6 Electric
Iron Dwarven Waraxe w/ d8Cold
Iron Longsword w/ 1d4 Electric, 2 Silver & Holy Eye Candy
Adamantium Bastard Sword w/ Electric Eye Candy
Adamantium Longsword
Adamantium Club w/ Sonic Eye Candy
Adamantium Mace
Cowards Blade (+1 Attack, Expeditious Retreat (lvl 5) 1/day)
Mahogany Quarterstaff w/ d4 (Silver) Undead & Shapechange
Mahogany Club w/ d4 (Silver) Undead & Shapechange

[big]CAPES, BOOTS, GLOVES, HELMETS, SHIELDS etc…[/big][/red]

Exceptional Belt of the Tiger (+5 Perform)
Exceptional Panther Cloak (+5 Hide in Shadows)
Exceptional Boots of the Cougar (+2 Mind Affecting Saves, +4 Discipline)
Exceptional Archers Edge Belt (+1 AC, Entropic Shield (lvl 5) 2/day)
Belt of Cunning (x2)
Belt of Crag Cat (+2 Use Magic Device)
Gloves of Fury (x2) (+1 STR, Parry, & Taunt)
Gloves of Mischief (-2WIS, +4 Disable Trap, Open Lock, & Set Trap)
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power (+1 STR)
Cloak of Wilderness (+2 AC, +5 Animal Emp.)
Cloak of Mysteries (-4 Listen & Spot, +8 Bluff, 6 Hide, Camouflage (lvl 5) 1/day)
Lesser Cloak of Az’zatta (x2) (Sanctuary (lvl 2) 25 Charges. 1 use/charge)
Cape of the North (+5 Saves vs. Cold)
Hood of Shadows (+1 AC, +4 Hide & Silent 20% weight reduced class restricted to Rogue, Mistone Scout, Assasin, Shadowdancer)

Shoes of the Swift (Dodge, +2 Reflex Saves, +4 Tumble)
Boots of Reflexes +3 (+3 to Reflex saves)
Ironwood Shield ( -5% Spell failure…. So it offers 10% spell failure instead of 15%)

[big]EVERYTHING ELSE [/big][/red]

Acid Resistance II Enchantment (-10 Acid Damage)
3 –5 Resistance Enchantments (Cold, Fire, Electricity)
Fire III Weapon Enchantment
Cold III Weapon Enchantment
Electric III Weapon Enchantment
Compound Bow Parts II (adds Mighty 2 to ANY ranged weapon)
3 Divine Rings (I, II & III)
Set of Topaz/Silver Jewelry (2 Rings and a Necklace each giving +4 to Hide and Silent. Class restricted to Assasin and Rogue)

Ring of Protection +1 (+1 AC)
Bone Ring (Immunity to Level Drain / Ability Drain)
Ring of Bull's Strength +1
Ring of Endurance +1 (x2)
Ring of Cat's Grace +1 (x2)
Ring of Clear Thought +1 (+1 INT)
Ring of Fox's Cunning +1
Ring of Owl's Wisdom +1
Ring of Eagle's Splendor +1
Amulet of Bull's Strength +1
+2 Dexterity Ring (x2)
+2 Strength Ring
Set of Diamond Constitution Jewelry (2 rings and a necklace +2 CON each)
Exceptional +1 Ring of Eagle's Splendor
Exceptional +2 Bulls Strength Necklace
5 Ingots of Adamantium
Box Full of Bolts (341 Bolts, mixed heads and feathers, 311 Mahogany, 20 Oak, 10 Hickory)

Box Full of Arrows (538 Arrows, mixed heads and feathers ALL MAHOGANY Shafts)
Cougar Bag Full of Scrolls (too many to list, your basic scrolls found on baddies)
Box of wands (1-Firebrand, 1-Camouflage, 1-Neutralise Poison )
Cougar Bag of Potions (27 Barkskin, 7 Lesser Restoration, 7 Endurance, 4 Wisdom, 2 Endurance)

Lion Bag (x2)
Fine Meal for 2 at The Leilon Arms. (x3)

Certificate for 6 Month (game time) stay in a Luxury Single at The Leilon Arms (6 weeks real time)

[big]Random Dice Roll Prizes[/big] - Warm up those dice!! We will have a few d-100 (5d20) rolls throughout the night - highest number wins choice of the following till they are all gone.

Mahogany Smoking Pipe and Case of assorted Pipe weed
5 Branches of Mahogany
4 Pies
Silk Padded Armor (+3 parry)
Iron Reinforced Clothing
1 Each - Sonic and Electric Weapon Eye Candy
3 Pair of +3 Gloves (Spellcraft, Animal Handling, Discipline)

The list of Dice Roll Prizes may grow as well!



Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2006, 09:36:27 pm »

Can't wait for tickets.


Re: Wolfswood Ranger Corps - Raffle
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2006, 09:50:31 am »
*sighs*  With my luck, Cole will be broke just at the time when he starts selling tickets.  *grumbles*  Bloody merc goes through gold jinks like they were water...

=P =P

Guardian 452


