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Author Topic: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering  (Read 399 times)

The Voice

A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« on: October 16, 2006, 08:30:52 am »
Distributed to inns and places of gathering throughout Mistone and select places on Dregar


Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 08:41:14 am »
*Rhynn, garbed in all black with a hood, an illusion of red eyes and white hair placed over her along with shaded dark skin and a shorter height looks at the notice in the Wildsurge shaking her head* Who ever's writing this has to learn to be more careful. He or she may be annonymus, but the people recieving it sure aren't

*scowling slightly she walks out of the inn*

Jilseponie Wyndon

RE: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 01:02:55 pm »
*Jil notices the post, but shrugs it off and peruses through the sales, warnings and other posts before moving on.  Once out of sight and a changing of jewelry and items, she goes back into the Wild Surge keeping to the shadows.  She takes up a postion far enough away and quickly reads the notice on Prantz and quietly makes her way outside of Hlint.  She enters the trees near the fire outside the gates, then she steps out openly next to the fire feeding it more wood.  Settiing down beside the fire, she contemplates.  She thinks about the notice of Drow and thier association.  Well, she knew that the drow were in the city earlier when she was with Michaelis . . . and then the disappearances . . . those she had noticed herself.  These carts . . . where do they go, she wonders to herself.  If the city council approves my request, maybe I can get some answers she thinks . . . *


Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 04:02:07 pm »
*An older gentleman of greying hair and flamboyant syle peruses the boards a moment before settling on the parchment, his eyes grow brilliant with a righteous furry before whirling around to face those in the Wild Surge Inn as they drink and make merry*

  By the grace of the gods! I dare say now that the war is over have our hearts grown so weary and our spirits so dim that we cannot rally to the call of righteousness!?... What have we faced but the very end of all we hold dear and now.. NOW that we have gained our freedoms from the threat of Blood we so quickly forget the dangers and flee to the comforts of our homes and lives?... How long can we enjoy these secured freedoms if we do not press on in the fight to retain what we have earned?.. your fellow Man suffers to the indignities of vile mechinations in a city that no doubt will rise in great power and be renewed as a threat to that which we hold dear! We are faced with the very servant of our most hated foe and what do I see?... Naught but contentment to allow all to pass as HE pleases, drink your wine and ale now for in thirty years we will once again be in a battle for our very wits unless we act now and I assure you the price will be far more unbearable then. We have rested and now we face the call to retain that which we have fought so hard to gain, sit then and whittle away the future of our children. I for one... shall bend my efforts to the good of my fellow.

*whirling around the old man marches out the door in a blaze of rightous indignation*

Talan Va'lash

Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2006, 08:41:58 pm »
// I can't read this image. Could you post it with less compression or larger? or perhaps the text of it?

Edit: I'm not -that- old really.

The Voice

Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2006, 08:45:14 pm »
//Perhaps if you were to seek one in game it might become clearer

The Voice

RE: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2006, 03:12:38 pm »

The Kijs

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    RE: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
    « Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 03:35:13 am »
    *Ilidin began to glance over the 'inflamatory' leaflet, got as fear as the mispelling in the first line and just chuckled, barely getting any further. Revolutionaries who don't even properly proof read their own literature... what next?*

    The Voice

    Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
    « Reply #8 on: November 14, 2006, 04:32:38 am »
    As seems to be the case of those that would heckle the efforts of others.  Or is it a profound fear of mispelling. I see no error in the first line?


    Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
    « Reply #9 on: November 14, 2006, 05:57:04 am »
    //the only error I caught (probably because I spell terribly myself) was the one about the 'public' gardens....and only because that one was funny...


    Re: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
    « Reply #10 on: November 14, 2006, 06:59:59 pm »
    *as Cole reeds the leaflet he hears a person chuckel* You think the death of inosents is funny?

    *he hands the wiatress a coin and starts to walk out*


    RE: A Leaflet Found in places of gathering
    « Reply #11 on: November 14, 2006, 07:33:39 pm »
    The Kijs - 11/14/2006  4:35 AM

    *Ilidin began to glance over the 'inflamatory' leaflet, got as fear as the mispelling in the first line and just chuckled, barely getting any further. Revolutionaries who don't even properly proof read their own literature... what next?*

    *Berdin looks around Ilidin to read the inflammatory leaflet, and when he gets as far as the fine print has to move closer.* Then muttering in his thick dwarven accent "Wahl, et lest eh dunnea see enna misspellings. *nodding approvingly* "Ye gorta proofread yer stoof ef ye 'spect te be tekkin seeroosly es eh reverlut'nery." *Berdin then saunters back to his seat to finish his ale, while singing a dwarven song about a fellow who built a glass house in a field of stones*



