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Author Topic: Zug want partnur  (Read 126 times)


Zug want partnur
« on: November 03, 2006, 08:27:05 am »
Zug wurk hards, lurns manee craftings.  But some craftings Zug no cans do.  Zug want partnur or partnurs whos can help Zug make manee usefulls thing.  What Zug can dos:
    Make cloths and lethurs reals goods
    Make woods thing (bow, shaft, arro) from oaks and hickorees goods
    Make foods and drinks goods
    Make mold, arrohead, glass goods
    Make metul from rock goods
    Make gemses and juwuls goods
    Make poshuns and oils goods
    Make armur and weapon okays
    Carrying heavee thing real goods
    [/list] Zug want partnur who cans make enchants, infusings, and skribings.  Zug also mebbe take partnur who be goods at gettings supply.  Partnur good at making sells also Zug like.  Partnur or partnurs havings intrust, talks to Zug for makings fair trades of labur and profitings.  //OOC: Zug has the advanced crafting badge, but can't get into the advanced crafting hall until he hits level 10 (a slow grind for an ECL 3 race who can't generally make quests).  He's at crafting level 7-11 for most of the crafts listed above, though only around 5 in weapon and armor making, due to it being slow going without a steady stream of iron.  A prospective partner need not be that high a crafting level, as long as it's clear that one doesn't forget one's friends later.  :)


Re: Zug want partnur
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 10:50:32 am »
*Sallaron sends an application to Zug*

Greetings Zug, I;d be interested in assisting, as I need to furthur my own skills.

Sallaron Tempest
Level 13

Alchemy  7
Armour Crafting  1
Food Crafting  9
Gem Crafting  5
Smelting  9
Tailoring  2
Tinkering  10
Wood Crafting  11


Re: Zug want partnur
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2006, 02:14:52 pm »
*Zug sees Sallaron's note and smiles... muttering to himself, "Sallaron good frend... Zug wurk with any times".  Zug adds to the note:*

Zug happy for wurks with Sallaron.  Zug still look for more partnur who craft diffurunt thing.  Mebbe wes start trade biznuss.


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Re: Zug want partnur
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2006, 04:25:41 pm »
*Azharia passes by and notices the notes*

- Oh, just like Zug said, looking for trading partners! I ain't very good at anything at the moment though, but magic can come in handy! I'm sure I can learn!

*Adds her little reply to the note in pink ink : I'll be happy to help you anytime Zug! You're quite an amazing adventurer, I could learn from you and help you sometimes if I can! If you need a fledgling mage who wants to learn for love of the lore and not for the profit, look me up!*

//Working on alchemy/gem cutting/tinkering/jewelry/food/tailoring/enchanting/infusing/mage stuff in general, Not very high in anything, but learning fast and trying to get a good array of spells for all these!


Re: Zug want partnur
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2006, 12:19:08 pm »
*Zug stares at the pink ink, squints, and makes out the message.  he then adds:*

Is goods.  Zug help Az with get supply, Az become good at make thing.  Zug and Az then make manee useful thing for peoples.

