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Author Topic: Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...  (Read 191 times)


Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...
« on: November 14, 2006, 05:29:24 pm »
*penned in somewhat sloppy, though completely legible handwritting is the note detailed below, posted to the wall of the  Wild Surge near where Yastin is most often found*

"Greetin's an' salutation's,

Ah've been a searchin' on my own fer me great-grandpa Lyle fer several years now, an' ah've come te believe findin' 'im myself might be a bit out o' my reach.  Ah'm now seekin' te employ a profession'l investigat'r te 'elp me track down my great-grandpa ifn 'e still lives, or te find 'is restin' place ifn 'e pass'd on.  Ifn yer willin' te work fer the reasonable pay o' 1000 Trues, an' ye think ye'll meet my expectations o' what ah'm lookin' fer in an investigat'r, please send post te me as soon as possible an' ah'll arrange te meet wit' ye an' share what information ah 'ave on my great-grandpa Lyle.


Lyle Underroot

OOC Note:  This is in reference to Lyle's CDQ which is scheduled to start on Thursday, 16 November (see the event calender for specific start time).  I'm looking for one more character to help Lyle track down his great grandpa, those with high skill in gathering information, or other more roguish abilities for finding things out will get preference.  If you think you're up to helping out and can make the CDQ, please PM me or send Lyle a bird as soon as possible and I'll arrange to give you more information.


Re: Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 05:38:41 pm »
*She pens simply*

Please come see me as I think I know exactly what may help you

*signed simply*



RE: Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 09:59:31 pm »
*Lyle glances at the note he'd tacked up earlier and sees someone's written something on it.  With a slight frown he crosses off the name and makes a note next to it.  The note reads:*

"Don' foll'r instructions well.  Send post ifn ye wish te apply fer the position."


RE: Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2006, 04:24:53 am »
If there is a need for a professional investigation then I suggest you emply the services of Interesting Investigations, 184 Haven,

Brualot,Chief Investigator , Arc of the Circle, servant of Katia etc.

Should you wish to engage the services of this organisation, then you should make the matter known at your earliest convenience.



RE: Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2006, 09:37:50 am »
*Lyle wakes from his nights rest and heads out into the common room of the Wild Surge, as he approaches Yastin to request his standard breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast with butter the further writings upon his posting catch his eye.  He grumbles something unintelligible to himself and steps past Yastin to scratch out the new writings and scribbles in his own response.*

"Appar'ntly it ain' common fer investigat'rs te read, comprehend, an' foll'r simple instructin's.  As stat'd twice now, don' be scribblin' on my notice 'ere, send me Post instead ifn yer intrest'd in 'elpin' fin' my great-grandpa!"


RE: Lookin' te hire a professional investigat'r...
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2006, 06:55:42 pm »
*Lyle returns to the Wild Surge and steps up to take down the original notice.  In it's place he leaves the following:*

"The position o' investigat'r in regards te findin' the great-grandpa o' Lyle Underroot 'as been fill'd.  Thank ye te those who applied.  Lady Comfort be wit' ye all.


Lyle Underroot"