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Author Topic: A Note of Warning  (Read 600 times)


RE: A Note of Warning
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2005, 05:27:00 am »
*written in a spidery thin calligraphy*
    This is it plain and simple. No one has yet interferred with your "Grey Circle" believe me, if anyone has, you'd know it, and your little club would probably already be shot down.
    Those who know better than to ask for "it" to be banned from towns and possibly from this world, need to head to the Great Library and pick up a book. Because not only is it not possible, but it's not probable. It's silly to think you can stop anyone from using a school of magic, magic that I know has saved your life, and given it to you more than once...
    Just to show how narrow minded you fools are, you continue to go back to "raising the dead, defiling corpses, animating remains." If you knew a lick about Necromancy you'd know that it goes far deeper than just the general use of dead bodies... it delves into negetive energies, the power to take life, and the power to give it.
    Also I recall someone writting "evil and evil never make good" or something silly. May I just tell you, you know-nothing twit, that you've no idea what is evil and what is good. Both are simply titles handed out by those who hold power of the massess to make themselves sound like they're in the right, while their enemies are in the wrong. You all hate Necromancy, so you call it evil, but Necromancy does not choose how it is used, nor do any of the schools...
  *Tath stops writting a moment and chuckles a bit*
  ...yes good on you... you've insulted something that won't and can't insult you back, and that has no say in what supposedly "evil" ways it's used. And as a last note, writting all of this is very tiring, perhaps you have the guts to hold a meeting so the "two" sides can debate this face to face? Or is your "Grey Circle" too secretive to face people who actually think before they speak?

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: A Note of Warning
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2005, 05:47:00 am »
* A reply is scribbled underneath Tath's. *

To each and everyone of you who call us unknowing, silly or disturbers of the balance. Your reasonable arguments have been heard and will be discussed, although we have done so before. Nothing of what you have said is news to us. Necromancy must be outlawed, and any nests of these arts routed! The result of this will be a more safe, and peaceful world. There will still be crimes, and untimely death - but not through soul-ripping, defiling, mutilating arts that require the mere snap of a finger.
You try to convince us that the world needs your evil for the sake of balance!? Such nonsense! There is plenty of evil in the world. If we could remove one, a great thing will have been accomplished!

There will be no meeting with those who have spoken against us here. Not one of you will ever reconsider your opinion in this matter, so a discussion is useless.


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RE: A Note of Warning
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2005, 06:33:00 am »
*Syn walks by and reads the notes, sighing and shaking his head*

 I wonder how long will it last until they find themselves drenched in an issue that has no solution, and Blood's armies or even the drow overrun these lands...

 *a small note is tacked underneath*

 Unite now or continue your meaningless fight in the afterlife, if your souls survive from what is coming towards us from the East.


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    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #23 on: June 22, 2005, 07:38:00 am »
    A thesis after meditation and prayer to Vorax...posted on the door next to the board....

    "A vision.  The weave.  If 'balance' and the weave are to be understood by the necromantic standard, then a village with 100 years of peace should obliterate half its citizens in a violent maintain balance, no?  

    Is it beyond reason, perhaps, that the necromancy has vbeen perverted, turning the weave into something man, elf, or dwarf wants, rather than what the weave wants?

    Nowhere in history has evil succumbed to strong talk and rhetoric.  Blood will not be defeated by oration.  Brave folk step in and take the power away from the evil.  And so shall it be here..."

    Raiden Kitsune

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      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #24 on: June 22, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
      Selinde barely glances at the note as she walks by.  Foolish, to be fighting among themselves now, with everything else going on.  Even with her inability to keep her nose out of...well, anything and everything, really...she had no intention of taking sides on this one.

      But then again...she -could- perhaps do more good if she knew what was really going on, so it might not hurt to try to get closer to one side or the other...right?  Might even be able to do the most good from the inside...she'd have to think about that  She glances back up at the note for a second before moving off, ignoring, as always, that little voice that told her when it would be smarted to keep her nose out of something.


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      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #25 on: June 30, 2005, 03:19:00 am »
      *Bribes someone in the bar to write for him so they can't trace the handwriting*
      I use stealth and the shadows for good. I have only helped people. I know of a mage that uses some necromancy spells and he has only done good. You can not assign the name evil to it because it is the form of magic the enemy uses. Explain how evil and evil do not make good.
      *there is no signature*

      Thunder Pants

      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #26 on: June 30, 2005, 03:29:00 am »
      *a note posted underneath the others in a fluid writing*

      "To claim that the use of Necromancy is evil is a flawed concept, yes it is unnatural, but so is what all wizards do, claiming it's evil is like claiming evocation spells are only used to destroy, and as such must be banned as well, while the thought of Necromancy might be disturbing to you, and while i have no love for the undead, to force the believe that it is solely an act of evil to practice necromancy is flawed and should not be forced onto people

      Cyrine Skycaller"


      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #27 on: June 30, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
      *reads the original tacked note*
      Hmmph,plannin ohn foightin me 'n de grey circle?
      well ah 'ope yer jes' as brave wit ah blade as ye 'r unseen
      *pays a drunkard under the table to have the notes ripped down*
      *is also in his heavily cloaked disguise*


      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #28 on: June 30, 2005, 09:03:00 pm »
      *satisfied with his work he chuckles to himself going over the foolish originator's writing*
      'es act'n loike 'es some god, ifn 'e tinks 'es goin tae bring down de grey circle ohnly ting 'es gertin is me axe ihn 'is 'eart
      bloody necro'n bas'erd, 'es lucky 'e didn' sign 'is name loike de res'....ahm tinkin dis lads needin vorax justice *grip his adamantium axe*
      aye....da'll do fer 'im....da'll do
      jes' gort'a foind out 'ho 'e is firs'