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Author Topic: be on the lookout.....  (Read 42 times)


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    be on the lookout.....
    « on: December 20, 2006, 03:13:25 pm »
    I , Solarina De ' Shade , was waylaid and left for dead. Somehow I survived the ordeal , however I was not left whole. The majority of my memorys of the past I led are now gone. As I lay dying I heard several voices in Red Light Caverns. One voice called out to a Vladic , " is she dead yet "......... This is All I know. I seek any info about this Vladic and his co-horts.

    Also I met a lady of the woods , It may or may not have a conection. As i wove my tale of woe with her , she said "Vanya Sulie Mellonamin " to me , and stated she "" found me "" , when i asked what she ment by found me and what these strange words were , she vanished.

    Any aide that can be rendered to help my plight would be most welcome indeed.

    As I know not of my past or even of my home , I have come to call Hlint my new home and its peoples and have taken on work with the towns guard. I can be found within the regions in and about Hlint. Being a warden o the woods I often sleep outside of town under what little star light remains within the world.

    Servant of the people of Hlint ,
    warden o' the woods

    Solarina De'Shade

