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Author Topic: wanted for needless murder of cubs  (Read 193 times)


wanted for needless murder of cubs
« on: July 27, 2006, 08:46:53 pm »
: a large leaf is hung on the door of the inn with a charcoal image drawn of a dwarven male:

wanted by the druid Drogo for murder of newborn badger cubs the dwarf shown here

(an image of Reylt)


Re: wanted for needless murder of cubs
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 10:41:13 pm »
*When Aralin reads the sign he sighs*

I hope this does not start again. *He quickly pens a response on a small sheet of parchment and posts it over the leaf and image*

There are many legitmate reasons for which one would kill a badger, for use in a tailored good. Or perhaps it was in self defense, badgers can be very tempermental. I sometimes cannot calm them sufficiently.

It must also be understood that it is not against any law of the land to kill an animal.

The balance requires both death and birth. If you were to attempt to stop this cycle and disrupt a balance you would be the only one causing great harm.

I have seen "Overzealous" druids and rangers many times. Please speak with a druid higher in your order about this and get their opinion. I would also be glad to speak with you of this if you wish.

-Aralin Harenya
Cleric of the Longstrider
Council Member of the Vakhar


RE: wanted for needless murder of cubs-closed
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 03:44:22 am »

another leaf pinned below the main:

the subject has been found and has agreed to use his ill gotten gains to aid the roldem relief effort and cease his outright slaughtering of an entire burrow when he seeks materials

a panther paw sigil

