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Author Topic: Orienteering: New Player Welcome Event  (Read 71 times)


Orienteering: New Player Welcome Event
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:00:12 pm »
Ifion sat on a bench in Hlint, halfheartedly flipping through his leatherbound journal. The majority of his attention was directed to those passing before him on the busy thoroughfare near Hlint's west gate.  "Allow me to safeguard this coin in the bank, " one passer-by said to another, "before we set out again." Ifion deduced that the pair were probably fighters from their armor and weapons. With the onset of the endless cold, it seemed more and more men, farmers and craftsmen only a few months ago, were taking up the trade of men-at-arms.  "Coin. That reminds me, " he whispered to himself, one hand stroking the perpetual stubble that dotted his worn face. "I need to tithe at the Temple of Aragen." He had both coins and a box of scrolls that were long overdue. As was a visit to Barner and Marisa, his fellow clerics assigned to the temple in Casterly Castle. He hadn't seen them since an urgent matter of research had drawn him to that library a few weeks ago. Ifion resolved to set out in a few days time, but the image of the fighting men hung in his mind.  "It's not safe to carry bags of gold and boxes of scrolls. Not on this route, at least. And especially not alone." It didn't take Aragen's wisdom to see the folly in that. The priest reached into his pack and removed a slightly crumpled sheet of parchment. Drawing a pen from a small belt pouch, he quickly penned a notice. Then, with his pen safely returned to its place, he rose and walked to the Wild Surge Inn. He cleared a place on the ever-crowded message board, and posted his message.  [SIZE=+2]Experienced Traveler Seeks Companions for Long Journey[/SIZE]  A priest of Aragen, well versed in the roads of Mistone and Rilara, will be making a pilgrimage to Casterly Castle on Rilara in one week's time. Those who have business along the route between Hlint and Casterly Castle are invited to travel with him as far as they require. Those lacking in moral character should be advised that priests of the Wise Lord cannot easily be fooled into misplacing trust.  The message concludes with instructions on where and when to meet...     //////////////////////////  This is a role-play event specifically for players new to the server, part of "Orienteering", a series of player run "welcome" events   Wednesday 26 July 7 pm PST / 02:00 GMT Morning Thur 27 July Meet outside the east gates of Hlint (not the Goblin Wastelands, the other side)  Please sign up using this Calendar Event    For this event to meet its objectives, the following strict ground rules are necessary:  Levels 1-6 only please  Party Size Limit: 6 Max (priority is signed-up, then roleplay, then dicebag, party size has never been a problem so far)  No running (except from monsters) There will be a "mandatory role-play period" at the beginning and possibly during an "intermission" This is a trip on behalf of the church of Aragen. Think about how and why (and if) your character would support that. Please arrive with arrows/bolts, food, water, potions, flint, tinder or whatever you need to last the trip  The goal is for everyone to survive the outing, so patience, restraint, and caution will be necessary  (At least one person has died on most of these so far, and in most cases, it could have been avoided with patience)   This IS:  A chance to see a little more of Mistone and Rilara and learn how to move safely between Hlint and the wide, wide world  An opportunity to ask in-character questions about world events and locations, NPC quests, where to find CNR, whatever  A good place to ask in-character those questions people on the forums tell you to "ask someone in-game"  A great time to trade crafting items and resources with people who can't use items better than the ones you can make  A setting in which to meet people to go adventuring with later  An acceptable time to use OOC tells to ask questions about the more frustrating aspects of the game's mechanics (eg I just can't get my character to fish ?! )   This is NOT:  A GM run event (which means no GM granted XPs)  Run by a player with extensive knowledge of all worldwide happenings  An opportunity to "kite" or "draft" behind a high level tank character, soaking up XPs for fast leveling  A chance to quickly group up and go 'hunting/bashing'


RE: Orienteering: New Player Welcome Event
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 09:36:16 pm »
Ifion searched through the crowded board at the Wild Surge Inn. Spying his notice, he reached out and moved it to a more prominent position. While his arm was extended, a sliver of his well oiled leather armor was visible beneath the sleeve of his priestly robes.

"If I can get one or two more, I think we'll be safe enough. A company of six should dissuade the usual highwaymen that seem to prey upon travelers," he said to no one in particular. Contented, he headed off in the direction of Hlint's market district, an old elvish traveling song rolling quietly from his lips as he walked.



Re: Orienteering: New Player Welcome Event
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 11:08:09 am »
Ifion, Servant of Aragen,

Twas a sedate walk to Rilara last night and I enjoyed yours, Darrens (whilst he wert with us) and Praylors company.  I had not heard wherefore the the blasted wood near Krandor be so and enjoyed thy telling.  I wish to encourage thee to organize such an event again whenst able to do so.  

Claw and Scale
Daniel Poetr.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde