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Author Topic: Something fishy - Orcses  (Read 153 times)


Something fishy - Orcses
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:12:00 pm »
*There is a message in simple script pinned at the noticeboard*

There is people turned into orcses in Hlint. I fear for my friends that have begotten such ill and cannot change back. I judged the best course of action was to follow any leads I got from Ayla. I searched fer Orcses and tracks in High Forest. The Air in High Forest had a scent, familiar yet strange... I cannot put my finger on it. Then a Treant stepped on me.

Something fishy is going on...

I offer my help to the afflicted and ask anyone with Information regarding the Incident to help turn our friends back to normal.

- signed Trysk Yeagar


RE: Something fishy - Orcses
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 06:20:00 am »
*tacked below*  

I've seen the poor unfortunates who have been turned into orcs.  That is, I have spoken with the now blue, tall orcish Ayla.  I am going to do my own investigations of the High Forest, as well as peruse the Great Library to look into the magic required to revert the changed back to their former selves.  I ask that any other concerned mages also pursue this route.

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*
Cole Norseman


RE: Something fishy - Orcses
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 07:41:00 am »

The game is afoot then Cole, for I am both Investigator and Mage

Brualot, Arc of the Circle


RE: Something fishy - Orcses
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 04:27:00 am »
*A cloaked person walks up to the note in the midst of night and writes something below.*

All be lies, they be spies from orcs. Kill them if meet, I be born orcs all life since birth so know things like this.

Krolff Dwarfeater

*Skarp-Heiden walks away hoping he has done the right thing, he can't help but wondering if he should have asked one of the others before writing it.*


RE: Something fishy - Orcses
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2005, 05:47:00 am »
*a big bulky person in a dark green robes and hood hiding all his features, walks into the inn and sees the note about the orcs*
  *curses silently*
  ....damnation was bad enough to have assasins looking for us, but to turn the whole town against us.....
  *Jacchri removes all the relevant notes regarding the orcs from the board, sighs and quickly disappears into the night back to the secret hiding place*


RE: Something fishy - Orcses
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2005, 06:49:00 am »
*Daeron walks in invisible and sees the posts*

"Bah, if things aren't bad enough at the moment we're also scattered." *scowls* "But I need to reach them, no other choice."

*Daeron posts another letter for the others to see, unsigned*

"To all veterans adventurers that have seen the swamps of Karthy and the drow of Tibum recently and have seen their life taking a new shape. Shelter has been offered for all those returned home and found their homes closed to them. Find each other so descicions can be made."

*signed in red with a stormcloud*

*Daeron goes of leaving similar letters on places with drinkable water in the surroundings of Hlint, Haven, Hampshire and Leilon.*

