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Author Topic: Bloody beholders!  (Read 41 times)


Bloody beholders!
« on: March 12, 2008, 03:10:50 pm »
** Under much convincing from his friend Shamur, Sall settles into a chair in the Scamps Mug... Sall orders an ale... and another... and another....
.. after a fair few, the two laugh and joke and reminisce old times. **

" Ya know... she findsh out you gots me drunk... shesh likely ta kill you more dan me." Sall laughs, taking a quaff.
" Bah... she can't be worse than half the things we've fought. Remember those minotaurs up near North Point? Now they were angry. That beholder that nearly wiped us all out in the caves? Now "that" was one angry eyeball."

Sall chuckles and lolls his head a little, his eyes glazed over.
" Bah... dey weren't nothing.. nothing! I could paggersh dem myselfs now." he says, swishing the ale from his glass to the table as he acts out several hacking and slashing moves.

" Uh huh... yeah... right bro."
Sall fixes an eye on Shamur, or tries to, as his head loll's from side to side. He wags a serious finger at him.
" Just you bloody watsch. I's gonna go dere now... hack my bloody waysh to the bottom... and drag dat bloody tings head back ta show ya."
Shamur frowns and sighs.
" Er.. probably not a good idea to go alone bro."
Sall just mutters.
" We'll bloodysh see's."
He clambers to his feet and storms to the door. For a moment he staggers, and holds onto a table for support. He checks himself a moment, nods satisfied as he remembers he "does" carry a sword... and wanders out.

// Tentative( possible) short event thing for tomorrow
// 6pm GMT 11am PDT 2pm EDT 5am AEST

// Likely to last 1 - 2 hours
// RP a must!
// For levels 8 - 17 to get the Eyestalk of the Beholder ( higher may of course come... but we will be backup only)
// Likely to be "Very Dangerous"... especially for Sall
// Sall will be going... but will "not" be doing everything. He will be there as backup only. It will be the responsibility of the group to do most of the work.... and to raise Sall if need be