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Author Topic: A note to an angry dwarf  (Read 215 times)


A note to an angry dwarf
« on: March 03, 2006, 07:47:56 am »
Is your wisdom as low as your beard is long?

If you cannot control your temper, how do you ever expect to defeat Blood?  If you attack your own allies, do not your enemies laugh at you?

If we cannot put our people's pasts aside and learn to work together, we will lose this war.  And we will deserve to.

Signed, A peacful yet harassed Drow


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Re: A note to an angry dwarf
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 08:12:00 am »
*The following is written in a careful, practiced hand*

"Peaceful drow,"

You must consider that you are a stranger in a strange land, should your claims even be true.  On more occasions than I wish to know of, drow have inserted themselves, infiltrating our societies by claims of desired friendship and a turn away from their dark origins.  Taking advantage of examples of redemption made by their nobler cousins who truly do wish to fight against the evils of their kind, they then lead scores of their wretched brethren to make strikes on our homes.  While your intentions may be as pure as you say, and others have proven theirs before you, you must understand that we cannot know for certain until time and circumstance have proven for you as well.  The sad truth of the matter is that even after you have turned from the path of evil and treachery, you still have a substantial journey of gaining trust ahead of you.  Patience is necessary for all parties.  This will not be the first time you are questioned or doubted, this is just the reality of the situation.  I just hope that my words here help you and others understand why.

I hate drow as I believe their evil has no place in this world.  However, I have seen those who illustrate, in my eyes, a clear distinction between "Drow" and "Dark elf."  Becoming the latter will take time.

Yardislan Echron


RE: A note to an angry dwarf
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2006, 05:11:28 am »
*the following is written in a fluid hand and posted underneath the previous notes*

For what it is worth, the drow has a point. Not one week ago I myself saw a dwarf agressively charge at one of my poor dark skinned cousins repeatedly. This was an unprovoked attack, the poor fellow was quite fearful and I tried to give him camuflage in a nearby tree. The dwarf persisted. Eventualy the drow was aided by Acacea, a kind soul to be sure, though quite abrupt at times...

In any case, we should be aware not all drow are the same, and we could argue that many races have at times performed great acts of evil. Yet why is it the drow alone who suffer at the hands of mindless prejudice?

Tiden Di'Ren


Re: A note to an angry dwarf
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2006, 05:35:27 am »
*a hooded elf in blue robes walks by and notices the note*

*sighs and murmurs for herself* Why is everyone taking insults so personal? I think I met the same dwarf and, well, he didn't seem to like me very much. But still, one can always try to befriend others instead of insulting back!


Re: A note to an angry dwarf
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2006, 06:27:42 am »
*Underneath this, Freldo writes*

I have also seen very unjust actions on the part of a few dwarves agains Rykh, a very civilized and well educated orc.

It has to be considered that not all individuals are necessarily worthy of attack just because they are of a typically agressive race.

Think for a moment master dwarves.  I have been assailed many a time by bloodthirsty elves, halflings and dwarves!  Should I now consider every dwarf, elf and halfling I meet to be malignant?

I think not.

Shame on you for such prejudice.

Let each person stand for their own, not for their race in general.

"We're all individuals" as the chorus says.



Re: A note to an angry dwarf
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2006, 06:39:32 am »
In simple, yet careless hand writing, a small message is posted below everyone else's.

"You're all barmy. The whole lot of you.



Re: A note to an angry dwarf
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2006, 05:54:03 am »
*Varka reads the notes – scratches his head and begins to laugh loudly*

Civilized and well educated orcs and Peaceful drow!!
What a joke! human are killing me with tha’ humour of yours…

What be the next. “Friendly beholders seeks a shoulder to cry at”!

*walks away from the post - laughing*


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    Re: A note to an angry dwarf
    « Reply #7 on: April 06, 2006, 07:03:20 pm »
    ::in the very messy probley drunken hand of Melissa Tangletoe::

    "Cna't we ALLLL Just get..."
    ::the letters she's wirten are big, long and sloppy and lead off of the note on to the wall diagnoally::


    ::a large line is marked from the tail of the 'G' to almost the floor as if she might have fallen writing diagnoally::

