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Author Topic: Rebuilding of the Leringard Docks  (Read 202 times)


Rebuilding of the Leringard Docks
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:24:26 pm »
*Posters hung in various locales across Mistone*
 I, Ophelia Swift, In the name of temple of Mist and Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern herby call forth for assistance to rebuild the docks of Leringard. We must rebuild what has been destroyed. Therefore I charge all that are loyal to Mist, The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern, as well as to Leringard itself to help supplies materials.
 We will need many materials and those with strong backs that won't quit and will see the job done.
 Sign your name below if you are willing to share in the glory of rebuilding the docks so the ships may sail again.
 A list of supplies needed will be posted at a later date. If you have spare iron, bronze, hickory, oak please contact me, Ophelia Swift, and I will take and hold the raw materials until we have an estimate of the needed supplies.
 Materials needed:
 Iron ingots- 100
 Bronze ingots- 50
 Oak planks- 300
 Oak Shafts- 50
 Bags of sand- 100
 Lumps of clay- 75
 Rope- 500 ft in length
 Supplies needed:
 Tents and shelters for the homeless.
 Trues: 100,000     Received: 10,000


Re: Rebuilding of the Leringard Docks
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 05:02:56 pm »
*passing the Wild Surge on his rounds, he spots the notice and adds a short note below it *


My purse is light, but my back is strong and I have been known to gather the odd commodity from time to time. I will set to work on collecting wood and store it in Haven until I hear from you further.

~ Caerwyn Ahrail'lan

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Rebuilding of the Leringard Docks
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2008, 05:21:20 pm »
In addition to aiding your gathering efforts, The Arms, will pay as mentioned, pay the true necessary for the workers you will need to build the docks once the materials are gathered.
