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Author Topic: Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman  (Read 103 times)


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    Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman
    « on: August 15, 2005, 11:04:00 am »
    * the following note is written in neat, almost perfectly uniform script, except for the signature, which looks much more organic *  [TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]  SOUGHT: EXPERT SWORDSMAN (OR WOMAN)  Objective: Amateur swordsman seeks apprenticeship with skilled fighter, preferably who uses the rapier or similar weapon.  Desire: * To travel with, study from, and assist in battle, to enhance personal martial prowess * To obtain assistance and mentorship with my tasks and techniques  Abilities: * Experienced with throwing axes, bows, and particularly the rapier ((4 ftr, 1 wiz)) * Able to cast a small repertoire of useful arcane spells * Willing to risk own life to provide stabilizing medicine, should the mentor fall * Will address the mentor by any title he or she deems appropriate * Will be a grunt and help to carry any excess goods * Willing and able to take orders and assist in menial tasks * Will travel wherever asked, barring inadequate funds and suicidal tasks * Will trail closely behind, saying "All right, then." or "Done, and done." over and over, and will    suddenly stop to stare at rocks and walls for no apparent purpose, if desired. (Ability optional.)  Requirements: * Asking mentor be of adequate background ((fighter, duelist preferred)) and experience ((lv 7+)) * Asking small but reasonable portion of treasures obtained during apprenticeship (negotiable) * Asking mentor not require immense amounts of personal expenditure to fund apprenticeship ((ie, I don't want to get none of the treasure and have to buy all the healing potions))   Interested Parties Please Respond With: * Name * Relevant Experience ((lvl + classes)) * Times Reacheable  Signed,    Dryxalis Mistdancer  ((I'm online generally between:    7:00PM GMT - 10:00PM GMT weekdays [1:00PM CST - 4:00PM CST]    4:00PM GMT - 03:00AM GMT weekends [10:00AM CST - 9:00PM CST])) |


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    RE: Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman
    « Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
     How much experience do you mean by "expert" ((levels, or bab...))

     Gelden Sezenen


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      RE: Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman
      « Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 08:12:00 pm »
      ((Level 7+, preferably with at least one level of Duelist))


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        RE: Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman
        « Reply #3 on: August 20, 2005, 01:11:00 am »
        sometimes you should relax, have a seat on a nice warm bench and talk


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          RE: Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman
          « Reply #4 on: August 20, 2005, 02:56:00 am »

          A duelist im not.
          But if you want to se new parts of the world and lern how to fight.
          You know you can always ask me.

          But you alredy know that.


          RE: Sought: Expert Swordsman/Swordswoman
          « Reply #5 on: August 21, 2005, 12:16:00 am »
          *Turor Sunderstone waddles by and peers up at the rather neat note. It immediately catches his attention amidst all the giant-written crap that makes no sense gramatically. After stroking his beard and thinking, puffing lightly on his pipe*

          "Boy nehds soombordy wot kin use a sword good, eh? Har... Hmm..."

          *strokes his beard a few more times and nods lightly*

          "Ah thenk ahm der bordy wot 'e nidhs! HAR!"

          *He takes out a piece of charcoal, and dispite his dishevelled, unclean looks, writes incredibly neatly, almost as if a practicioner of the arcane, his letters are so even.*

          Interested Party
          Turor Sunderstone
          Experience: Is a dwarf. ((ftr 8))
          Times Reachable: Whenever I am truly needed. ((Work could interfere. Work a closing shift, so PST evenings are pretty much shot.))


