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Author Topic: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!  (Read 130 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« on: April 14, 2005, 02:25:00 pm »
* This poster is posted in Hlint, Fort Hope, Fort Llast and Port Hampshire. *

Because of a rift between our world and the world of shadow, immense destruction was wrought upon the Silent Watch Mountains and the surrounding areas. No giants survived what happened there. Be careful when travelling through these places. Something we do not know about might have come through, and could still be there.

Kobal Bluntaxe


RE: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 08:37:00 pm »
Right right...  rift...  dats what ye call a four hunnerd pound dwarf wit a boom stick!  HAR!

An ah been "riftin" em extinctified fer da past several weeks too!  Now jus needs ter clear oot da Berhagen stretch an we gots 2 new trade routes!  WOOT!

*Bjornigar slams the flag of Bloody Gate into the highest rock of Silent Watch*

Now lets git diggin fer ore an stripmine da sucka!


RE: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 08:40:00 pm »
// For some reason I highly doubt you slammed the flag into the highest rock of Silent Watch ;)


RE: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
*looks up at the 4,000 more feet of sheer cliffs, and then back down to his 4 hunnerd pounds*

oi! now ah gots ter bloody CLIMB?!  bah!  We made fer diggin, not fer treetoppin! *grumble grumble*  ah jus go chip me a double-wide statue oh meself smack dab in da center den.  HAR!  I plant da flag whens I git me a griffon trained up!


RE: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2005, 08:00:00 am »
*derrick looks over the dozen or so empty ale mugs on his table

Well...  the giants are gone for sure... but so is everythin else.  It's like when that rift was open it slowly drained away all life from that place...  The giants... at least the ones we seen were staked to the ground and the shadows were slowly feeding off their life force. . .   Now I killed a few giants in the Silent Watch in my time... but it were always a clean death... nothin like what them shadows done...

Yer might want to give it some thought afore plantin yer flag there...  something not of this world may have already laid claim to it...

*drinks down another mug

Jus sayin...

Talan Va'lash

RE: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2005, 06:51:00 pm »
It would be wise for most to avoid the mountain near where the silent watch tower used to stand.  ...well, it may still stand but i have not been able to verify that.

When light is lost do not travel further, for death awaits.

  • Guest
RE: Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2005, 04:37:00 am »
*reads the notes and adds her own*

I have traveled into the Silent watch, heed these warnings with your life. The giants are gone, Satyrs I believe they are called roam the far reach forest, and near what was once the summit of Silent watch is an un-natural darkness.

This area is nearly oblivious to sight, and magic does not work properly. It is chaotic, and wild. Within the darkness lies Medusa that are un-natural, these creatures have the ability to see in this pitch blackness easily, and move with great speed through it. I was nearly killed by one I did not see before it's hissing head spat at me with it's deadly gaze.

There are also shadows, similar to humans moving about that strike with deadly accuracy. These are no mere undead, but something ... different ... I cannot say what exactly, as if they are a part of the un-earthly shadow that permeates the area.

Something is brewing within those mountains, and it is something powerful. Avoid them at all cost.

-Dashiva Elendil