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Author Topic: *an incoherent drunken man in a kilt rants*  (Read 75 times)


*an incoherent drunken man in a kilt rants*
« on: February 21, 2006, 07:04:42 am »
I have seen the demons!  They have called on me and whisked me away to the abyss to gloat of their armies and show off their impaled corpse collection!  The mephit told me of the new General!  Something about the new age... in these times they can be summoned by merely calling out the name, and so spoke the mephit to me the name of the fiend!

The balor and the marilith in Hlint's streets are JUST THE BEGINNING!  What kind of a fiend uses balor and marilith as frontline troops anyway?  I'll tell you!  One so terrifying that he can command the demon masters themselves to throw themselves into harm's way, one so powerful that a few dozen marilith or balor is just a DROP IN THE BUCKET!

*starts running through the streets like a chicken with his head cut off*

The END is extremely bloody NEIGH!  To arms! To Arms!  Rise all who can to meet the Army of Darkness!  Hide the children, stable the oxen, drink and love while ye can!  We are all doomed, DOOMED I tell you!

-Farros Galdor


RE: *an incoherent drunken man in a kilt rants*
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 08:21:34 am »
... Freldo's in the Inn, tipsy after drinking water that birds don't drink ...

Quick, someone give the man a drink...  Wait!  I'll pay for it!

That's a mighty good bit of actin'

*swagers over to the door*

Here you go. *throwing a bottle out the door*

Freldo takes a few more steps and passes out next to the jukebox.

