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Author Topic: Expeditions to the East  (Read 83 times)


Expeditions to the East
« on: September 05, 2006, 01:24:14 pm »
I seek veterans with whom to explore and seek adventure in the East.  I intend to focus our efforts upon Belinara and the Eternal Night thereunder.

Meet me in Lorindar at the following times:

*here Ael specifies the dates corresponding with the following:



Ael Rynthien d'lil Maethra


Success and Further Plans
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 07:03:19 pm »
Thanks and congratulations to all who joined our first of these endeavors.  

On Freas, Oclar 13, 1405, we will journey forth once again, hopefully focusing our efforts in the Eternal Night.  Assuming all or most who participated in this past successful expedition will return, our itinerary will differ in that we will travel directly there without testing our tactics along the way.  Please note we will gather just outside of Arabel’s gates.

All veterans are welcome to join us.

Ael Rynthien d’lil Maethra

*Ael silently ponders as he places the notice, “And so the search begins in earnest.”*


Central Layonara Expedition
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 10:48:16 pm »
On Tunra, Jenra 3, 1406, an expedition will depart from Lorindar to seek knowledge and adventure in the central lands of our realm.  This opportunity is open only to veterans in at least the fifteenth season of their profession.


Ael Rynthien d'lil Maethra


Freelancers' Mining Expedition
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2006, 09:31:48 pm »
Announcing an expedition to Firesteep departing from the Freelancers' Tavern in Point Harbor on Wedlar, Jular 18, 1406, at 8 o'clock in the evening.  Please bring 300 gp with you as we will be using the portal north of Hlint to North Point, on Dregar.  All veterans of any profession are welcome to join our endeavor.   As all ores mined will go to the Guild, we are willing to negotiate compensation for those joining us who are not Guild members.  This will be discussed immediately prior to our departure; so please show up early if you are not in the Guild.


Ael'Rynth d'lil Maethra


Freelancers' Firesteep Expedition - Information
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 06:06:05 pm »
Recently I responded to an inquiry posted in the Leilon Arms regarding whether the upcoming Freelancers' Mining Expedition will face enemies during the course of our journey.  Here I post the information I shared.

Our destination is the Firesteep Mountain range on the Molten Island, which lies northeast of Dregar.  It is the domain of Fisterion, King of Dragons and Avatar of the dragon god, Pyrtechon, The Destoyer.  Fisterion resents any incursion into his realm, but normally lets his minions deal with intruders.  Yet on one occasion I was with an expedition cursed with having gained the attention of that great ancient red, himself.

The minions of which I speak are all creatures of fire, suitable to the many volcanoes that riddle the Firesteep Range.  These include fire elementals, fire drakes, and a tribe of deadly vicious kobolds who are themselves creatures of fire.

I recommend you join us only if your are of at least the fifteenth season in your profession.


Ael'Rynth d'lil Maethra


Freelancers' Firesteep Expedition
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 05:24:35 pm »
A Freelancers' expedition to Firesteep will depart from the tavern in North Point, on Dregar, in the afternoon of Wedlar, Oclar 18, 1407.   All veterans of any profession are welcome to join our endeavor. As all ores mined will go to the Guild, we are willing to negotiate compensation for those joining us who are not Guild members. This will be discussed immediately prior to our departure; so please show up early if you are not in the Guild.


Ael'Rynth d'lil Maethra

