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Author Topic: Strange Occurance  (Read 73 times)


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    Strange Occurance
    « on: February 25, 2006, 12:50:08 pm »
    *Axodeth walks into the Surge and posts a note*

    Beh on de lookout fer eh light 'ared elf wif eh fahncy viehlin, Sumdinz nort roight wid 'im. Whin 'e pass'd meh boiy oi gort eh strang feel'n off 'im. 'e play'd fer ehwhoile din disehpeer'd leev'n meh en meh party with eh burn. 'e nort fren'lee.

    Soign'd, Axodeth o' de Stoncutter clan

    *Axodeth goes to the barkeep and orders 2 ales and has a seat*


    Re: Strange Occurance
    « Reply #1 on: February 26, 2006, 01:01:26 pm »
    Freldo looks at the note and comments to those nearby...

    You know, not only do dwarves talk like they have a potato in their mouth, they write as if they're juggling a potato.

    I mean, come on, put that potato down!

    Or...  Do they really have trouble with a simple concept as the common language - that even orcs have grasped?

    Oh well.

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    RE: Strange Occurance
    « Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 09:43:40 am »
    *Tatchien The Righteous stands nearby Freldo rubbing some mud of his fullplate, when some winching catch his attention*

    “Relax, in my ears it's all like the buzz of a fly, yours and Dwarfs alike.”

    *Realizing people take displeasure in this comments he hurries to add:*

    “Let us not bicker about details, in the eyes of Shinthar we should all be put do death.”

    *Realizing more people are listening in, becoming increasingly hostile, Tatchien The Righteous adds:*

    “That is why we should stay toghether!”

    *To emphasise the point, he hugs the closest person, happening to be a beautiful Elf that immediately slaps him*

    I mean.... *Blushing as he retires with an awkward wave, stumbling over a Quickling Browny on the way out*


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    Re: Strange Occurance
    « Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 08:54:30 am »
    *After overhearing Freldo's remark, Grympint who was standing under his nose....just lucky most tall folk ain't got the time to look down them (noses that is), borrows a paper and quill from a drunken mage for but the price of a another pint.*

    Freldo, oi overheard yer remarks bout us Dwarves an potatoes, oit bein obvious ta me, [bold]tators[/bold] were jus yer symbolism fer Dwarves an yer apparent dislike ov us. As we all be knowen, da two grow underground. Watch yerself, cause like da tator, we Dwarves be aven eyes all over watchen out fer our cause. Wouldn't be wanten a pass friend be buried wit da tators.


    *and with a grin (more like a smile), Grympint ponders Freldo working his way out of this mess...'oie, we'll be haven da dainty doin a dance fer us, we will.'*


    Re: Strange Occurance
    « Reply #4 on: March 10, 2006, 09:40:28 am »
    "Violins, elves, taters, and bards....  sounds tasty!"  

    *Cole tosses half a potatoe in his mouth*


    Re: Strange Occurance
    « Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 11:49:02 am »
    Freldo reads the message about 'em taters and writes another message below  Master Grympint.  I do not dislike dwarves, in fact I like dwarves very much, so much so that I compared the dwarves to the noblest of all tubers, the potatoe (with added E goodness).  Potatoes, as you mentioned, have eyes that point everywhere and live underground - exactly like dwarves so, as a fact, potatoes are like dwarves, just a little paler.  Come to think of it, the potato is only slightly better than dwarves because I can boil 'em, mash 'em and stick 'em in a stew.  Dwarves might be just as tasty as a potato, but I need not go through the trouble of finding one to boil.  - Freldo, Potato Eater


    Re: Strange Occurance
    « Reply #6 on: March 10, 2006, 12:35:47 pm »
    *In angular charcoal...*

    If you've ever been to the tavern by the docks in Arabel, Freldo, you'd find out how well potatoes go with the fellows you say are so like them...

    Though I was sick for a week after finding out what I'd eaten.

    *The note is unsigned, though the hand is recognizable enough to those who know it.*

    //If it really matters to you, DC 35 Lore check to know the hand if you don't know Pyyran.

