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Author Topic: Lost you in the cave  (Read 242 times)


Lost you in the cave
« on: May 09, 2009, 09:09:43 am »
Snezel and Eleandilethessa,
 We had a good fight but I had an error of judgment and fell.
 Unfortunately, I came back in a fort in a desert and was really far from you. On an other continent in fact. Strange thing though... How our soul may bring our body. Mother Nature is everywhere and may bring us in very far country... I am not sure to understand...
 I have been unable to reach you back in time to finish the clean-up. I hope it went well for you.
 Next time we meet, I will give you your share of the loot I got.
 Seeing you soon, I hope,
 Phobo Magnius
 Druid from Corsain
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Re: Lost you in the cave
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 05:25:50 pm »
Dearest Phobo,

Snezel an' I waitit fur yer return wi' a heavy heart (Snezel's, that wis - he's a bit o' a safty ah thinks, but hey.. it takes aw kinds) but alas, ye didni cum back, so we kerried oan. Guid tae hear yer awright, like, but ah dinni profess tae understond hoo ye goat tae anither country. Well, ah'm telt ra goads work in mysterious weighs.

Ye'll be glad tae know we kilt a few mair o' ra' gobbies an' kept 'err nummers doon a bit mair, but they seem tae breed like rabbits, so it'll need tae be dun again sum time. An' mah bag burst, spillin' stuff aw ower ra place tae.. whit a mess it made.., so ah'll need a new wan tae play wi' again.

An' guid tae know aboot ra readies too; always oan ra lookout fur mair spons.

~~ duchess

