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Author Topic: Mangus visits the orphans  (Read 8354 times)


Mangus visits the orphans
« on: January 20, 2021, 01:47:40 am »
Mangus walks into a nondescript house in Vehl where the women of the poor, make do as best as they can to help manage the dark destinies of innocent children who otherwise have nothing, and no one to care for them. Ever short on resources, they survive on a patchwork of scraped together supplies, always shortest on the list: food. The nourishment the children need, can sometimes be the furthest from reach. And Mangus knows this.

He knows this place well. He spent his early childhood there. He knows the feeling of hunger the children all share, and the plainly visible desperation in the faces of the women who work tirelessly to care for them. More troubling to him, he knows the carelessness with which the city, and the world  around that place, regard it. To them, it is unseen, barely noticed, forgotten. They pass by that house on their way to some duty of such greater importance, as if it wasn’t even there. It is not even scenery to them. And Mangus was that; the element they didn’t see. Some horrible distraction, to be avoided, and ignored. But his youthfulness and ignorance shielded him from such stark realities, and his constant hunger, gave him something else to focus on.

Although, he was one of the lucky ones. As he looks back on those days, he realizes he did not grasp the importance of his fortune, until much later in life, and so much of it, he doesn’t remember at all.

But he does remember the moment a woman walked through that door carrying a bag and asking for the whereabouts of Mangus Clawfoot. It was the day he met his grandmother,  the day, he received a fighting chance, the day he became Mangus Crunch. And that stayed with him. Along with it, he maintained a keen regard for the greater importance for any one of those children, to also receive a fighting chance. And as he gained his footing with the help of his grandmother, he developed a broader commitment to that cause. He made a vow to himself, and no one else, that, when he could help, he would.

And on this day, he enters that nondescript dwelling in Vehl with a bag in his hand, and sets it on the counter. A woman there looks up at him almost alarmed. His disposition is very imposing to her.

He regards her gently, and speaks in a soft voice.

Er brings diss coin fer dem orphans. See dat dey eats good tonight.
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